
If I understand correctly, instead of maintaining the tool further (via KIP-752) we want to deprecate the tool?
This is fine, but it seem the KIP deadline for 3.9 passed, so we cannot 
deprecate it in 3.9, but only in 4.0? And even if we make an exception, 
we usually have a deprecation period of at least 1 year, so removing the 
tool in 4.0 seems to be something we cannot do?


On 7/7/24 6:57 AM, Chia-Ping Tsai wrote:

thanks Dongjin to start this discussion

On 2024/07/07 12:58:45 Dongjin Lee wrote:
Hello Kafka dev,

I hope to start the discussion of KIP-1067: Remove ReplicaVerificationTool
in 4.0 (deprecate in 3.9)
It replaces KIP-752: Support --bootstrap-server in ReplicaVerificationTool

Thanks in advance for all discussions, feedbacks, etc.


*Dongjin Lee*

*A hitchhiker in the mathematical world.*

*github:  <http://goog_969573159/>github.com/dongjinleekr
<https://github.com/dongjinleekr>keybase: https://keybase.io/dongjinleekr
<https://keybase.io/dongjinleekr>linkedin: kr.linkedin.com/in/dongjinleekr
<https://kr.linkedin.com/in/dongjinleekr>speakerdeck: speakerdeck.com/dongjin

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