Hi Ismael,
Thanks for the feedback.

I noticed that the graalvm-reachability-metadata project now includes
> kafka-clients[1]. Worth checking if the metadata over there matches what
> we've observed for our own attempt.
After reviewing the graalvm-reachability-metadata, I observed that they
have provided configurations solely for the kafka-clients. However, we
require configurations for the server (the core module).
To obtain these configurations, I've leveraged the existing Apache Kafka
system tests. I'm executing the tests using GraalVM JIT with the
Native-Image Agent attached. I merge the configurations once all the tests
have been completed.

Can we please add peak memory usage as one of the columns of the table?
> I see that the information is covered elsewhere - it would be nice to have
> it as part of the table too.

 GraalVM for JDK 21 was recently released, can we use that? Does it improve
> the numbers in a meaningful way?

Sure, we will be using the Image corresponding to 21. The community version

It would be good to include details on the naming - how will this image
> be named to differentiate itself from the non graalvm one?
Added a section in the respective KIPs.
In summary, we propose naming the image as
For the native AK docker image, we are considering '*kafka-local*' as it
clearly signifies that this image is intended exclusively for local
development purposes. Another option under consideration is '*kafka-native*

 Can we talk a bit more about the compatibility guarantees while this
> image is still experimental?

Do you here mean the functionalities that this native AK docker image will
be able to support?

I have updated the KIP with the above points.


On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 11:39 PM Ismael Juma <m...@ismaeljuma.com> wrote:

> Hi Krishna,
> Thanks for the KIP. The results are impressive! A few quick comments:
> 1. I noticed that the graalvm-reachability-metadata project now includes
> kafka-clients[1]. Worth checking if the metadata over there matches what
> we've observed for our own attempt.
> 2. Can we please add peak memory usage as one of the columns of the table?
> I see that the information is covered elsewhere - it would be nice to have
> it as part of the table too.
> 3. GraalVM for JDK 21 was recently released, can we use that? Does it
> improve the numbers in a meaningful way?
> 4. Can we talk a bit more about the compatibility guarantees while this
> image is still experimental?
> 5. It would be good to include details on the naming - how will this image
> be named to differentiate itself from the non graalvm one?
> [1]
> https://github.com/oracle/graalvm-reachability-metadata/tree/df53148e4b2f730ad692daa956d72ab0cd7d43e3/metadata/org.apache.kafka/kafka-clients/3.5.1
> Ismael
> On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 12:17 AM Krishna Agarwal <
> krishna0608agar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to submit a KIP to deliver an experimental Apache Kafka docker
> > image.
> > The proposed docker image can launch brokers with sub-second startup time
> > and minimal memory footprint by leveraging a GraalVM based native Kafka
> > binary.
> >
> > KIP-974: Docker Image for GraalVM based Native Kafka Broker
> > <
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-974%3A+Docker+Image+for+GraalVM+based+Native+Kafka+Broker
> > >
> >
> > Regards,
> > Krishna
> >

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