Hi Colin,
Thanks for the response.

I chose raw records, thinking it might be useful for future additions of
records that customers might want to add before the first start of the
cluster. I do see that it is at best an engineer friendly interface.

I do think kafka-storage is the correct place to put the logic for adding
records to the bootstrap.checkpoint file. I think keeping the logic for
managing the bootstrap separate from the logic of configuring an existing
cluster that is already running is a good division of functionality and I
think this separation will reduce the parsing logic significantly.

The API suggestion you made for kafka-storage is okay. I would prefer to
have one option for an entire SCRAM config including the user, such as the

./bin/kafka-storage.sh format \
  --config [my-config-path] \
  --cluster-id mb0Zz1YPTUeVzpedHHPT-Q \
  --release-version 3.5-IV0 \
user=alice 'SCRAM-SHA-256=[iterations=8192,password=alicepass]' \
  --scram-config user=bob 'SCRAM-SHA-256=[password=bobpass]'

Argparse4j supports multiple option arguments to a single option including
having an optional number of option arguments to a single option.

I think adding the Argparse4j support for reading the arguments from a file
is a must.


On Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 7:07 PM Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Proven,
> Thanks for putting this together.
> We always intended to have a way to bootstrap into using an all-SCRAM
> cluster, from scratch.
> I have two big comments here. First, I think we need a better interface
> than raw records. And second, I'm not sure that kafka-storage.sh is the
> right place to put this.
> I think raw records are going to be tough for people to use, because there
> are a lot of fields, and the values to set them to are not intuitive. For
> example, to set SHA512, the user needs to set "mechanism" equal to 2. That
> is going to be impossible to remember or figure out without looking at the
> source code. The other thing of course is that we may add more fields over
> time, including mandatory ones. So any documentation could quickly get out
> of date.
> I think people are going to want to specify SCRAM users here the same way
> they do when using the kafka-configs.sh tool. As a reminder, using
> kafka-configs.sh, they specify users like this:
> ./bin/kafka-configs --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter \
>   --add-config 'SCRAM-SHA-256=[iterations=8192,password=pass]' \
>   --entity-type users \
>   --entity-name alice
> Of course, in this example, we're not specifying a salt. So we'd have to
> evaluate whether that's what we want for our use-case as well. On the plus
> side, specifying a salt could ensure that the bootstrap files end up
> identical on every node. On the minus side, it is another random number
> that users would need to generate and explicitly pass in.
> I would lean towards auto-generating the salt. I don't think the salt
> needs to be the same on all nodes. Only one controller will become active
> and write the bootstrap records to the log; no other controllers will do
> that. Brokers don't need to read the SCRAM records out of the bootstrap
> file.
> If we put all the functionality into kafka-storage.sh, it might look
> something like this:
> ./bin/kafka-storage.sh format \
>   --config [my-config-path] \
>   --cluster-id mb0Zz1YPTUeVzpedHHPT-Q \
>   --release-version 3.5-IV0 \
>   --scram-user alice \
>   --scram-config 'SCRAM-SHA-256=[iterations=8192,password=alicepass]' \
>   --scram-user bob \
>   --scram-config 'SCRAM-SHA-256=[password=bobpass]'
> (Here I am assuming that each --scram-user must be followed by exactly on
> --scram-config line)
> Perhaps it's worth considering whether it woudl be better to add a mode to
> kafka-configs.sh where it appends to a bootstrap file.
> If we do put everything into kafka-storage.sh, we should consider the
> plight of people with low limits on the maximum length of their command
> lines. One fix for these people could be allowing them to read their
> arguments from a file like this:
> $ ./bin/kafka-storage.sh @myfile
> $ cat myfile:
>   ./bin/kafka-storage.sh format \
>     --config [my-config-path] \
>   ...
> [etc, etc.]
> Argparse4j supports this natively with fromFilePrefix. See
> https://argparse4j.github.io/usage.html#fromfileprefix
> best,
> Colin
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2023, at 11:08, Proven Provenzano wrote:
> > I have written a KIP describing the API additions needed to
> > kafka-storage
> > to store SCRAM
> > credentials at bootstrap time. Please take a look at
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-900%3A+KRaft+kafka-storage.sh+API+additions+to+support+SCRAM+for+Kafka+Brokers
> >
> > --
> > --Proven

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