Hi Colin,

> I agree controlled shutdown is tricky to get just right. I suppose this is a 
> case where the RPCs we send out are not purely "fire and forget"; we have to 
> listen for the response. But that can be done in an event-based way. 
> Controlled shutdown is also probably the last thing we'll implement once we 
> have the basic lift and shift.

LeaderAndIsr requests are also not "fire and forget" either as the broker 
response can include per-partition errors which trigger ISR and leadership 

> Topic deletion is another annoying thing. I wonder if we could just delete 
> immediately here and skip the complexity of implementing "deleting state." 
> Topic IDs will exist in IBP 3.4, in both ZK and KRaft mode, so it should be 
> OK, right?

I don’t think this is OK because we still use topic names (not topic IDs) to 
persist records under log directories. If one of the brokers is unavailable 
when a topic is deleted and re-created with the same name that broker might 
come back later with conflicting state/records on that topic. 


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