Thanks for putting this together, David. A few questions (maybe some of them 
overlap with Jun's?)

1. Rather than having MigrationCheckRequest, can we just add a new JSON field 
to the broker registration like "kraftReady": true? After all, we are already 
going to have to read the broker registration from ZK as we discussed earlier 
(and as the KIP mentions).

2. Do we really need kafka.metadata.migration.enable? It's not clear to me what 
harm would result if we just left it out of the design. Presumably standing up 
a new KRaft controller quorum and pointing zk.connect at the old ZK cluster is 
a very intentional action without much chance that we did it accidentally.

3. We should probably be explicit that the new metadata.version the KIP 
mentions corresponds to an of 3.4 or later (since we're 
targetting 3.4) and that using IBP 3.4 means ALWAYS forwarding. I realize 
that's implicit if you read some of the earlier KIPs, but it would be good to 
make it clear. Also presumably the controller will copy its statically 
configured value of into the metadata.version used in the 
new log, so it all matches up. Again, probably clear to us but good to spell 

4. Migration state names: should "ZooKeeper" be renamed to 
"MigrationIneligible"? Since it does mean you can't upgrade (in effect)

5. If we get a new ineligible broker registering in ZK after the migration 
begins, I assume we will just have to ignore it and keep going. This would be 
an operator error, of course, and this broker will not be able to participate 
in the cluster. It would be good to spell out that behavior a bit.


On Tue, Oct 4, 2022, at 15:19, David Arthur wrote:
> Hey folks, I wanted to get the ball rolling on the discussion for the
> ZooKeeper migration KIP. This KIP details how we plan to do an online
> migration of metadata from ZooKeeper to KRaft as well as a rolling
> upgrade of brokers to KRaft mode.
> The general idea is to keep KRaft and ZooKeeper in sync during the
> migration, so both types of brokers can exist simultaneously. Then,
> once everything is migrated and updated, we can turn off ZooKeeper
> writes.
> This is a pretty complex KIP, so please take a look :)
> Thanks!
> David

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