Hello Geertjan

You are on the right track by approaching Apache's trademarks groups.
You would find the process to request for usage of Apache Kafka logo on
non-software merchandise at

Divij Vaidya

On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 9:51 AM Geertjan Wielenga <geert...@apache.org>

> Hi Apache Kafka devs,
> I'm on the Apache NetBeans PMC but, aside from that, in my day job I work
> at Azul (azul.com), a Java vendor.
> For upcoming Kafka conferences, we at Azul would like to make a hat as swag
> that has both our Azul logo as well as Kafka's logo (with the message that
> that is a good combination, faster Kafka throughput with Azul's JDKs etc).
> Of course, we don't want to create the impression that this swag that we're
> planning to produce is in any way created by Kafka, i.e., this is really
> Azul swag, and we'd be very careful about that and would like your input,
> however, since we'd be using Kafka's logo or at least name, we'd like to
> check with you (and are also checking with Apache Trademarks group) about
> how you'd feel about this and any concerns you might have.
> Thanks, and if this is the wrong mailing list, please let me know.
> Geertjan

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