Hi Apache Kafka devs,

I'm on the Apache NetBeans PMC but, aside from that, in my day job I work
at Azul (azul.com), a Java vendor.

For upcoming Kafka conferences, we at Azul would like to make a hat as swag
that has both our Azul logo as well as Kafka's logo (with the message that
that is a good combination, faster Kafka throughput with Azul's JDKs etc).

Of course, we don't want to create the impression that this swag that we're
planning to produce is in any way created by Kafka, i.e., this is really
Azul swag, and we'd be very careful about that and would like your input,
however, since we'd be using Kafka's logo or at least name, we'd like to
check with you (and are also checking with Apache Trademarks group) about
how you'd feel about this and any concerns you might have.

Thanks, and if this is the wrong mailing list, please let me know.


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