Does anyone know how could I perform a load balance to distribute equally
the messages to all consumers within the same consumer group having
multiple producers?

Is this a conceptual flaw on Kafka, wasn't it thought for equal
distribution with multiple producers or am I missing something?
I've asked on Stack Overflow, on Kafka users mailing group, here (on Kafka
Devs) and on Slack - and still have no definitive answer (actually most of
the time I got no answer at all)

Would something like this even be possible in the way Kafka is currently
How does proposing for a KIP work?


On Thu, May 28, 2020, 3:44 PM Vinicius Scheidegger <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to understand a little bit more about how Kafka works.
> I have a design with multiple producers writing to a single topic and
> multiple consumers in a single Consumer Group consuming message from this
> topic.
> My idea is to distribute the messages from all producers equally. From
> reading the documentation I understood that the partition is always
> selected by the producer. Is that correct?
> I'd also like to know if there is an out of the box option to assign the
> partition via a round robin *on the broker side *to guarantee equal
> distribution of the load - if possible to each consumer, but if not
> possible, at least to each partition.
> If my understanding is correct, it looks like in a multiple producer
> scenario there is lack of support from Kafka regarding load balancing and
> customers have to either stick to the hash of the key (random distribution,
> although it would guarantee same key goes to the same partition) or they
> have to create their own logic on the producer side (i.e. by sharing memory)
> Am I missing something?
> Thank you,
> Vinicius Scheidegger

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