Hi, I'm trying to understand a little bit more about how Kafka works. I have a design with multiple producers writing to a single topic and multiple consumers in a single Consumer Group consuming message from this topic.
My idea is to distribute the messages from all producers equally. From reading the documentation I understood that the partition is always selected by the producer. Is that correct? I'd also like to know if there is an out of the box option to assign the partition via a round robin *on the broker side *to guarantee equal distribution of the load - if possible to each consumer, but if not possible, at least to each partition. If my understanding is correct, it looks like in a multiple producer scenario there is lack of support from Kafka regarding load balancing and customers have to either stick to the hash of the key (random distribution, although it would guarantee same key goes to the same partition) or they have to create their own logic on the producer side (i.e. by sharing memory) Am I missing something? Thank you, Vinicius Scheidegger