Hi Chia-Ping,
I'm afraid the KIP number is conflict. I created (KIP-581: Value of optional null field which has default value) yesterday early, and insert it into table [KIPs under discussion]. https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-581%3A+Value+of+optional+null+field+which+has+default+value Would you please choose another KIP number, maybe 583, I also see KIP-582 discussion thread appears in the mail list, and insert into table [KIPs under discussion]. Best Regards, Cheng Pan ------------------ Original ------------------ From: "Chia-Ping Tsai";<chia7...@apache.org>; Send time: Thursday, Mar 19, 2020 1:48 AM To: "dev"<dev@kafka.apache.org>; Subject: [DISCUSS] KIP-581: add tag "partition" to BrokerTopicMetrics so as to observe the partition metrics on the same broker hi this ticket is about to records partition metrics rather than topic metrics. It helps us to observe more precis metrics for specify partition. The downside is that broker needs more space to keep metrics and the origin metrics interface (tags) is broken since this ticket adds new tag "partition=xxx" to it. The alternative is an new config flag used to enable new metrics (of course, it is false by default). Also, we ought to provide enough document to explain benefit and cost of new metrics. KIP-581 (https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=148642648) JIRA (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9730) Please take a look :) Best Regards, Chia-Ping