Interesting idea, Sophie.

So far, we tried to reuse existing config objects and only add new ones
when needed to avoid creating "redundant" classes. This is of course a
reactive approach (with the drawback to deprecate stuff if we change it,
as you described).

I can personally not see any need to add other configuration parameters
atm, so it's a 95% obvious "no" IMHO. The final `aggregate()` has only a
single state store that we need to configure, and reusing `Materialized`
seems to be appropriate.

Also note, that the `Initializer` is a mandatory parameter and not a
configuration and should be passed directly, and not via a configuration


On 10/23/19 11:37 AM, Sophie Blee-Goldman wrote:
> Thanks for the explanation, makes sense to me! As for the API, one other
> thought I had is might we ever want or need to introduce any other configs
> or parameters in the future? Obviously that's difficult to say now (or
> maybe the
> answer seems obviously "no") but we seem to often end up needing to add new
> overloads and/or deprecate old ones as new features or requirements come
> into
> play.
> What do you (and others?) think about wrapping the config parameters (ie
> everything
> except the actual grouped streams) in a new config object? For example, the
> CogroupedStream#aggregate field could take a single Cogrouped object,
> which itself would have an initializer and a materialized. If we ever need
> to add
> a new parameter, we can just add it to the Cogrouped class.
> Also, will the backing store be available for IQ if a Materialized is
> passed in?
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 10:49 AM Walker Carlson <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Sophie,
>> Thank you for your comments. As for the different methods signatures I have
>> not really considered any other options but  while I do agree it is
>> confusing, I don't see any obvious solutions. The problem is that the
>> cogroup essentially pairs a group stream with an aggregator and when it is
>> first made the method is called on a groupedStream already. However each
>> subsequent stream-aggregator pair is added on to a cogroup stream so it
>> needs both arguments.
>> For the second question you should not need a joiner. The idea is that you
>> can collect many grouped streams with overlapping key spaces and any kind
>> of value types. Once aggregated its value will be reduced into one type.
>> This is why you need only one initializer. Each aggregator will need to
>> integrate the new value with the new object made in the initializer.
>> Does that make sense?
>> This is a good question and I will include this explanation in the kip as
>> well.
>> Thanks,
>> Walker
>> On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 8:59 PM Sophie Blee-Goldman <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Walker,
>>> Thanks for the KIP! I have just a couple of questions:
>>> 1) It seems a little awkward to me that with the current API, we have a
>>> nearly identical
>>> "add stream to cogroup" method, except for the first which has a
>> different
>>> signature
>>> (ie the first stream is joined as stream.cogroup(Aggregator) while the
>>> subsequent ones
>>> are joined as .cogroup(Stream, Aggregator) ). I'm not sure what it would
>>> look like exactly,
>>> but I was just wondering if you'd considered and/or rejected any
>>> alternative APIs?
>>> 2) This might just be my lack of familiarity with "cogroup" as a concept,
>>> but with the
>>> current (non-optimal) API the user seems to have some control over how
>>> exactly
>>> the different streams are joined through the ValueJoiners. Would this new
>>> cogroup
>>> simply concatenate the values from the different cogroup streams, or
>> could
>>> users
>>> potentially pass some kind of Joiner to the cogroup/aggregate methods?
>> Or,
>>> is the
>>> whole point of cogroups that you no longer ever need to specify a Joiner?
>>> If so, you
>>> should add a short line to the KIP explaining that for those of us who
>>> aren't fluent
>>> in cogroup semantics :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sophie
>>> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 3:06 PM Walker Carlson <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Good catch I updated that.
>>>> I have made a PR for this KIP
>>>> I then am splitting it into 3 parts, first cogroup for a key-value
>> store
>>> (
>>>> here <>), then for a
>>>> timeWindowedStore, and then a sessionWindowedStore + ensuring
>>> partitioning.
>>>> Walker
>>>> On Tue, Oct 15, 2019 at 12:47 PM Matthias J. Sax <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Walker,
>>>>> thanks for picking up the KIP and reworking it for the changed API.
>>>>> Overall, the updated API suggestions make sense to me. The seem to
>>> align
>>>>> quite nicely with our current API design.
>>>>> One nit: In `CogroupedKStream#aggregate(...)` the type parameter of
>>>>> `Materialized` should be `V`, not `VR`?
>>>>> -Matthias
>>>>> On 10/14/19 2:57 PM, Walker Carlson wrote:
>>>>>> here
>>>>>> is a link
>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 14, 2019 at 2:52 PM Walker Carlson <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>> I have picked up and updated KIP-150. Due to changes to the
>> project
>>>>> since
>>>>>>> KIP #150 was written there are a few items that need to be
>> updated.
>>>>>>> First item that changed is the adoption of the Materialized
>>> parameter.
>>>>>>> The second item is the WindowedBy. How the old KIP handles
>> windowing
>>>> is
>>>>>>> that it overloads the aggregate function to take in a Window
>> object
>>> as
>>>>> well
>>>>>>> as the other parameters. The current practice to window
>>>> grouped-streams
>>>>> is
>>>>>>> to call windowedBy and receive a windowed stream object. The
>>> existing
>>>>>>> interface for a windowed stream made from a grouped stream will
>> not
>>>> work
>>>>>>> for cogrouped streams. Hence, we have to make new interfaces for
>>>>> cogrouped
>>>>>>> windowed streams.
>>>>>>> Please take a look, I would like to hear your feedback,
>>>>>>> Walker

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