+1 to reverting PT 11560 in main and 1.8.1. That avoids unnecessary
incompatibility with older readers.

I also agree that we should update the spec to say what Russell suggests:
> that -1 has meant "no current snapshot" in the past and is equivalent to

That's a correct description of the behavior.

I don't think that we should create new requirements for this that didn't
previously exist -- that is, I don't see much value in going back to
mandate this behavior when writing v1 or v2 tables. If an implementation
were writing null for the current snapshot ID up until now, I don't think
that we can say that behavior was or is incorrect. It was an
incompatibility with the Java implementation and we should note the
behavior in the "Implementation Notes" section.

> How about reverting #11560 for 1.8.1, and then reinstating this for 2.0.0?

I think we need to fix this at a format version boundary, not a library
version boundary. I'd be up for reinstating the write change for v3.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 7:56 AM Russell Spitzer <russell.spit...@gmail.com>

> The only thing I think I agree with is defining that -1 has meant "no
> current snapshot" in the past and
> is equivalent to a missing/nuil (if we have to specify that) .
> I don't think there is any reason to change the behavior of writing null /
> missing unless
> that's really a point of confusion for folks. Is there a JSON library
> folks are using
>  which distinguishes between missing/null?
> Would having field:null be the same as missing have avoided the issue
> because it seems like libraries
> that only handled non-null would also not handle "missing"
> current-snapshot-id as well?
> I'd really like to hear from other implementers here since changing all
> this again would be a lot of
> work and I thought we had understanding of Optional == Nullable as a valid
> thing in the spec.
> On Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 7:35 AM Robert Stupp <sn...@snazy.de> wrote:
>> Correcting myself: schema/spec/sort seem to be always present - please
>> ignore that part in my previous email. The valid values for those fields
>> however should be defined.
>> On 18.02.25 14:29, Robert Stupp wrote:
>> Reality is that Iceberg did write '-1' into current-snapshot-id (and
>> other "non-exist" marker values for schema/spec/sort) instead of omitting
>> the field.
>> Side note: the table-spec says that these fields are optional, but
>> nothing about whether it is nullable.
>> The spec should at least be amended to explicitly define the valid values
>> (-1 for current-snapshot-id for no snapshot is just a fact now that it's
>> there). IMO that field being 'null' isn't defined in the spec, but the
>> absence of the field is.
>> Proposal for the implementation:
>> * revert https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11560 in 1.8.1 and on
>> main
>> Proposal for the spec (for current-snapshot-id):
>> * Define the valid value ranges for the field
>> * Define that the absence of the field means "no current snapshot"
>> * Define that the value -1 of the field means "no current snapshot"
>> * Define that the value 'null' of the field means "no current snapshot"
>> * Define that new implementations must not write the field if there's no
>> current snapshot
>> Proposal for the spec (for schema/spec/sort):
>> * Define the valid value ranges for the fields
>> * Define the "schema/spec/sort not present" values (the fields are
>> optional for v1 but required for v2+v3).
>> * OR Define that "schema/spec/sort must be absent" if there is no current
>> schema/spec/sort.
>> WDYT?
>> On 17.02.25 21:07, Russell Spitzer wrote:
>> It sounds like the argument here is that we should change the Spec for
>> V1, V2, and V3 to mark current-snapshot-id
>> as required. Then we should change all other implementations to follow
>> this new standard. I'm not sure that
>> is a good solution going forwards but I'm not sure of how we can support
>> catalogs/engines that cannot handle a null
>> correctly in this situation otherwise. Perhaps we should source out to
>> see if any other implementers worked off the
>> assumption of a non-optional "current-snapshot-id" and if we get a
>> critical mass we can try to make that change?
>> Because of how wide that change would be, I think we would need pretty
>> broad consensus to do so.
>> We could possibly also have a flag to allow the old behavior but that
>> also feels wrong to me, we have often gone with a motto of
>> read "wrong" write "correct" for things like this in the past and
>> continuing to write "wrong" is a disservice to any
>> new implementers . When we do have a contradiction between our
>> implementation and the spec I think we have
>> to trust that implementers followed the spec and fix the core library.
>> Are there any other solutions here?
>> On Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 11:45 AM Fokko Driesprong <fo...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Robert,
>>> The thing is, that -1 cannot "go away".
>>> Yes, I agree, but that's also the case for null, as the field is optional
>>> in the spec
>>> <https://iceberg.apache.org/spec/?column-projection#table-metadata-fields>.
>>> Therefore we support both in PyIceberg
>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg-python/blob/300b8405a0fe7d0111321e5644d704026af9266b/pyiceberg/table/metadata.py#L71-L77>,
>>> Iceberg-Rust
>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/blob/752d69041e0461989c48dd1ca79bcff577776f5d/crates/iceberg/src/spec/table_metadata.rs#L500>,
>>> Iceberg-Java
>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/blob/bcbbd0344623ffea5b092e2de5debb0bc12892a1/core/src/main/java/org/apache/iceberg/TableMetadataParser.java#L458-L462>,
>>> and Iceberg-Go
>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg-go/blob/ada5480954d9b41d2f8eb4c765523614fad65e1a/table/metadata.go#L837-L841>.
>>> On the write side, they all produce null instead of -1. Therefore, I was 
>>> surprised that
>>> it comes up now, and not earlier.
>>> I'd prefer to keep the previous behavior - otherwise implementations may
>>>> fall back to 0, which is definitely wrong.
>>> I'm not seeing why it would fall back to 0, and I agree, that's wrong.
>>> Would be better IMHO not to break existing implementations / render
>>>> existing setups incompatible with Iceberg 1.8.
>>> In my opinion, if this had been caught in an RC, it would be open for
>>> discussion, but that ship has sailed. Let's hear what others think.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Fokko
>>> Op ma 17 feb 2025 om 18:16 schreef Robert Stupp <sn...@snazy.de>:
>>>> Hi Fokko,
>>>> sure, in general "absent" or "null" would be cleaner. But now we have
>>>> two representations for the same case - I suspect most went with the
>>>> "reference behavior".
>>>> The thing is, that -1 cannot "go away".
>>>> I'd prefer to keep the previous behavior - otherwise implementations
>>>> may fall back to 0, which is definitely wrong. Would be better IMHO not to
>>>> break existing implementations / render existing setups incompatible with
>>>> Iceberg 1.8.
>>>> On 17.02.25 15:49, Fokko Driesprong wrote:
>>>> Hey Robert,
>>>> Thanks for raising this.
>>>> snapshot-ID -1 isn't per-se invalid, because the valid values are not
>>>>> defined in the spec.
>>>> For me, this is invalid, since there is no snapshot with -1 in the
>>>> snapshots property. In the tests with the PR, you can see that there
>>>> are no snapshots
>>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11560/files#diff-41bdfb6698d2aa7b47ff7d5fabc558a5a64f8b7496fe1bcd8f8ecb69b2afc128R112>.
>>>> A year ago we had a similar discussion on PyIceberg
>>>> <https://py.iceberg.apache.org/configuration/#backward-compatibility>
>>>> around this and this ended up in adding a flag to fall back to the old
>>>> behavior. I do agree that we should have communicated this more clearly
>>>> with the release.
>>>> Kind regards,
>>>> Fokko
>>>> Op ma 17 feb 2025 om 12:25 schreef Robert Stupp <sn...@snazy.de>:
>>>>> Feels like https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11560 introduced a
>>>>> behavior change.
>>>>> snapshot-ID -1 isn't per-se invalid, because the valid values are not
>>>>> defined in the spec.
>>>>> Previous Iceberg-Java versions always produced -1 if there's no
>>>>> current snapshot - 1.8 produces `null` in that case. So there are now two
>>>>> _different_ values for "no current snapshot".
>>>>> Implementations that rely on the behavior of the "reference
>>>>> implementation" (Iceberg-Java) do now fail in case there's no current
>>>>> snapshot.
>>>>> On 13.02.25 10:09, Amogh Jahagirdar wrote:
>>>>> I'm pleased to announce the release of Apache Iceberg 1.8.0!
>>>>> Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets.
>>>>> Iceberg
>>>>> delivers high query performance for tables with tens of petabytes of
>>>>> data,
>>>>> along with atomic commits, concurrent writes, and SQL-compatible table
>>>>> evolution.
>>>>> This release can be downloaded from:
>>>>> https://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/iceberg/apache-iceberg-1.8.0/apache-iceberg-1.8.0.tar.gz
>>>>> Release notes: https://iceberg.apache.org/releases/#180-release
>>>>> <https://iceberg.apache.org/releases/180-release>
>>>>> Java artifacts are available from Maven Central.
>>>>> Thanks to everyone for contributing!
>>>>> --
>>>>> Robert Stupp
>>>>> @snazy
>>>>> --
>>>> Robert Stupp
>>>> @snazy
>>>> --
>> Robert Stupp
>> @snazy
>> --
>> Robert Stupp
>> @snazy

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