Hi everyone, In the last VOTE <https://lists.apache.org/thread/0jqfryvx0m19698h9xph9co0wh72hpv3> thread on documenting snapshot summary optional fields, we decided to move the documentation to a subsection of Appendix F – Implementation Notes. Since this is a significant change, I canceled the previous vote and would like to initiate a new one for the updated spec change.
Key changes since the last vote: - Relocated the documentation to Appendix F – Implementation Details - Removed the statement: "Metrics must be accurate if written." - Added "engine-name" and "engine-version" under Other Optional Fields Useful links: - [DISCUSS] thread <https://lists.apache.org/thread/0q1csnkfg8jc11zo1dlssjkr4v8s8zz0> - pull request <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/11660#discussion_r1915505397> - Previous Vote <https://lists.apache.org/thread/0jqfryvx0m19698h9xph9co0wh72hpv3> Since this is a spec change, please vote in the next 72 hours: [ ] +1, commit the proposed spec changes [ ] 0 [ ] -1, do not make these changes because... Best regards, Honah