Hello, Apache Iceberg Rust Community,

This is a call for a vote to release Apache Iceberg rust version v0.4.0-rc.1.

The tag to be voted on is v0.4.0-rc.1.

The release candidate:


Keys to verify the release candidate:


Git tag for the release:


The associated convenience artifact for pyiceberg_core can be
downloaded by running the following command:

`pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ pyiceberg-core`

All notable features and fixes introduced in this release are
documented in the changelog:


Please download, verify, and test.

The VOTE will be open for at least 72 hours and until the necessary
number of votes are reached.

[ ] +1 approve
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

To learn more about Apache Iceberg, please see https://rust.iceberg.apache.org/

Checklist for reference:

[ ] Download links are valid.
[ ] Checksums and signatures.
[ ] LICENSE/NOTICE files exist
[ ] No unexpected binary files
[ ] All source files have ASF headers
[ ] Can compile from source

More detailed checklist please refer to:

To compile from source, please refer to:

Here is a Python script in release to help you verify the release candidate:


Thank you!


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