Yes, that's exactly my motivation (sorry for not stating this explicitly
earlier). Looking at the fact that the quickstart is currently outdated, I
would be reluctant to introduce additional Docker images and/or
repositories, since we need to update those as well.

Kind regards,

Op di 10 dec 2024 om 11:48 schreef Ajantha Bhat <>:

> That's a good suggestion Fokko.
> It would avoid maintaining one more docker image. We can update the
> quickstart to use the docker image provided by Spark.
> - Ajantha
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2024 at 4:08 PM Fokko Driesprong <> wrote:
>> Hey Ajantha,
>> Thanks for bringing this up, we should both remove the vendor reference
>> and bring this back up to date. My preference would be to rely on the Spark
>> image <> provided by the Apache
>> Spark project, similar to what we do for the Hive
>> <> quickstart. We should be
>> able to load all the Iceberg-specific JARs through the
>> spark.jars.packages configuration
>> <>.
>> Kind regards,
>> Fokko
>> Op di 10 dec 2024 om 11:16 schreef Ajantha Bhat <>:
>>> The quickstart <> page is a
>>> critical touchpoint for new users and plays a key role in driving project
>>> adoption.
>>> Currently, it references *tabulario/spark-iceberg* and
>>> *tabulario/iceberg-rest*
>>> We’ve already replaced *tabulario/iceberg-rest* with the
>>> community-maintained Docker image, *apache/iceberg-rest-fixture*, based
>>> on the REST TCK fixture.
>>> However, *tabulario/spark-iceberg* seems outdated, and doesn't use the
>>> latest Iceberg version.
>>> To enhance the user experience and keep the quickstart aligned with
>>> project standards, I suggest hosting it either under the /docker folder in
>>> the Iceberg repository
>>> or as a subproject called *apache/iceberg-playground* where users can
>>> contribute to maintain other docker images.
>>> The quickstart page should ideally reference images maintained by the
>>> community rather than vendor-specific open-source projects.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> - Ajantha

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