Hi everyone,

Thanks everyone for volunteering to help on the selection committee.

We are Dec 10th, the call to volunteer is closed now.

I'm gathering all volunteers from this thread to submit to the Iceberg PMC.

Thanks again,


On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 10:42 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> As you probably know, we've been having discussions about the Iceberg
> Summit 2025.
> The PMC pre-approved the Iceberg Summit proposal, and one of the first
> steps is to put together a selection committee that will be
> responsible for choosing talks and guiding the process.
> Once we have a selection committee, I will complete the concrete
> proposal for the ASF and the Iceberg PMC to request the ability to use
> the name Iceberg/Apache Iceberg.
> If you'd like to help and be part of the selection committee, please
> volunteer in a reply to this thread. Since we likely can't include
> everyone that volunteers, I propose that the PMC should choose the
> final committee from the set of people that volunteer.
> We'll leave this open up to Dec 10th to give people time (as
> Thanksgiving is this week).
> Thanks !
> Regards
> JB

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