
Catalog is a critical part of Iceberg infrastructure and may require highly
available setup. In similar services (e.g., HMS, etc) this is often done as

   1. Start several service instances
   2. Decide which one is coordinator via etcd, Zookeper, Ratis, etc
   3. Expose HA endpoint to a client: multiple endpoints OR a single
   endpoint via proxy

Currently, there is no way to expose multiple endpoints to a REST server.
This may work in some cases if you hide multiple REST server instances
behind a proxy/balancer. But this proxy requires own HA setup, which
complicates the overall deployment.

I'd like to ask the community whether we can extend REST specification with
multiple endpoints to support HA REST catalog without proxies. This
extension could contain two essential parts:

   1. How to provide multiple endpoints to RESTSessionCatalog. This could
   be encoded into URL or as additional property
   2.  Some additional headers and/or error codes to allow a REST server
   instance communicate peer endpoints and the current coordinator

A very rough example how this can work in practice. Configuration:


REST server response headers with additional endpoints:

X-HA-Coordinator: https://host2
X-HA-Endpoints: https://host1,https://host2,https://host3



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