Hi Gabor,

I think it makes sense to create iceberg-cpp resources (repository,
slack channel, ...): this can gather the efforts in the Iceberg lib
and Puffin implementation.

Fokko can help there, he can ping me if needed (from ASF standpoint) :)


On Fri, Nov 22, 2024 at 9:25 AM Gabor Kaszab <gaborkas...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Iceberg Community,
> It's been a while since we started this discussion. I'd like to revive the 
> conversion for two reasons:
> 1) I think I'll have some capacity starting from early next year to take care 
> of the C++ Puffin stuff we already talked about above, and also from the 
> Impala community we could add some additional auxiliary functionality for the 
> V3 positional deletes later on.
> 2) I learned that a part of the community is interested in having a C++ 
> implementation of the Iceberg lib in general for their C++ engine. cc @Gang Wu
> There seemed to be general support from the community to start up such a 
> sub-project, so I'm reaching out now to ask for some guidance so that we can 
> get going. @Fokko Driesprong You have much experience in this area, do you 
> think you have the bandwidth to handhold us with the process and the steps? 
> Meanwhile, I'll take a look at the Python repo to get a feel for myself.
> Regards,
> Gabor
> On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 5:32 PM Anton Okolnychyi <aokolnyc...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> If C++ engines prefer not to depend on Iceberg Rust, I actually don't see a 
>> problem with having a separate C++ project even if it only contains Puffin 
>> readers/writers. The important part is to avoid multiple C++ writer/reader 
>> implementations in different engines.
>> There were concerns with having one repo for multiple languages when we 
>> discussed how to maintain the main project. We should re-evaluate if they 
>> still apply here.
>> - Anton
>> вт, 10 вер. 2024 р. о 06:08 Gabor Kaszab <gaborkas...@apache.org> пише:
>>> Hey All,
>>> Thanks for all the answers!
>>> My initial thought here was to have an iceberg-cpp repo for the Puffin 
>>> reader/writer implementation in C++. But then I thought that there might be 
>>> only one thing within this cpp repo, that is the Puffin stuff, and once 
>>> implemented the repo won't have any more PRs coming in so it might be an 
>>> overkill to introduce a separate repo for this purpose. Unless there is a 
>>> need from other stakeholders to have a  C++ implementation of the Iceberg 
>>> lib (similarly to Python and Rust) but this would lead to a different 
>>> conversation.
>>> Pulling in the Rust implementation into the C++ part of Impala: I don't 
>>> know, I have to do some research on this. For performance reasons I know 
>>> Impala prefers to have its own implementation of things (like Parquet 
>>> reader/writer), so I have to double-check if it's acceptable 
>>> performance-wise to pull in a Rust implementation of anything. I don't have 
>>> any experience of doing so, hence the hesitation.
>>> JB, you mean that we can create a sub-repo like iceberg-puffin, that would 
>>> hold separate implementations for different languages? For me this could 
>>> also work. Wondering what others think.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gabor
>>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2024 at 2:08 PM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Gabor
>>>> I like the idea, it sounds good to me.
>>>> Imho, for "clarity", the best option would be to have a dedicated
>>>> puffin repo with different language binding (at bit like it's done in
>>>> Arrow).
>>>> I think that adding to iceberg-rust could be an option, but not sure
>>>> it would be obvious for developers.
>>>> Regards
>>>> JB
>>>> On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 2:46 PM Gabor Kaszab <gaborkas...@apache.org> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi Iceberg Community,
>>>> >
>>>> > With the V3 position delete proposal it came up that non-Java engines 
>>>> > might have to implement a Puffin reader and writer themselves so that 
>>>> > they can support the newly proposed position deletes. Impala would most 
>>>> > probably require a C++ implementation and first of all I'm wondering 
>>>> > whether there are other engines that require additional language 
>>>> > implementation.
>>>> >
>>>> > My additional thought is that once we have an implementation in another 
>>>> > language where should that live? I can do the C++ and that could live 
>>>> > within Impala, but I think it could be useful for other engines too but 
>>>> > I have no idea where such an implementation could live TBH.
>>>> >
>>>> > Would be nice to hear opinions on this!
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Gabor

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