
It won't be an issue if there is already an iceberg-cpp implementation.
However, it is unfortunate to see duplicate efforts from different query
engines to implement their own C++ Iceberg reader and writers. Is it a good
chance to add official C++ implementation by providing a puffin
reader/writer? It can be a good starting point, IMHO.


On Thu, Aug 29, 2024 at 11:09 PM Piotr Findeisen <piotr.findei...@gmail.com>

> Hi Gabor,
> thanks for starting this topic. it would be awesome to have Puffin
> readers/writers available to all languages supported by the Iceberg
> community!
> The topic is important for v3, but also if we want to support stats
> updates when writing to tables that already have some stats collected.
> i agree with Xuanwo that iceberg-rust will likely want a first-class rust
> implementation and that it would go into iceberg-rust project.
> Best
> Piotr
> On Thu, 29 Aug 2024 at 15:41, Xuanwo <xua...@apache.org> wrote:
>> I believe iceberg-rust should be the natural place for Puffin's rust
>> implementation, and pyiceberg can reuse iceberg-rust's implementation.
>> On Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 20:46, Gabor Kaszab wrote:
>> Hi Iceberg Community,
>> With the V3 position delete proposal
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/18Bqhr-vnzFfQk1S4AgRISkA_5_m5m32Nnc2Cw0zn2XM>
>> it came up that non-Java engines might have to implement a Puffin reader
>> and writer themselves so that they can support the newly proposed position
>> deletes. Impala would most probably require a C++ implementation and first
>> of all I'm wondering whether there are other engines that
>> require additional language implementation.
>> My additional thought is that once we have an implementation in another
>> language where should that live? I can do the C++ and that could live
>> within Impala, but I think it could be useful for other engines too but I
>> have no idea where such an implementation could live TBH.
>> Would be nice to hear opinions on this!
>> Thanks,
>> Gabor
>> Xuanwo
>> https://xuanwo.io/

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