Hi Fokko

I think it makes sense to deprecate and remote the field.



On Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 10:01 AM Fokko Driesprong <fo...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> While reviewing the TableMetadataBuilder PR on Iceberg-Rust the other day, I 
> noticed that it exposes the last-column-id to the public API, but I believe 
> there is no need for it. This field is used to determine the next field-id 
> when adding new fields to a schema. The last-column-id was added to the REST 
> spec a while ago, to make the spec in line with the reference implementation, 
> but in hindsight, it should have been the other way around.
> My suggestion is to deprecate and remove this field from the spec and code, 
> as I can't think of any use case where you want to make jumps in the 
> last-column-id (it has to be monotonically increasing). This will help clean 
> up the APIs and the reference implementation.
> Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this!
> Kind regards,
> Fokko

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