How does HTTP caching handle desynchronized clocks between clients and the

   - At *t0*, the client gets the latest table version.
   - At *t1*, the server makes a new commit.
   - At *t2*, the client sends a request with a timestamp *t2*, but due to
   desynchronization, it refers to *t0*.

The server may reply with 304 Not Modified, causing the client to think its
cache is up-to-date and miss the commit at *t1*.


On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 6:37 AM Gabor Kaszab <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> First of all it's great to see that there are others who could benefit
> from giving a solution to this problem. I appreciate all the comments and
> feedback so far.
> There were a number of different opinions, so let me start with
> summarizing the different topics that came up:
> *New endpoint vs using an existing endpoint:*
> Based on the answers (Fokko, Yufei) I had the impression that we should be
> careful when adding new REST endpoints, and we should examine the re-use of
> existing endpoints first. Let's do that then, and in case we don't find it
> feasible then we can still fall back to any of my initial proposals
> (isLatest() or metadataLocation()).
> *Granularity of freshness checks:*
> It was brought up (Dmitri) that we might not want to do the metadata
> freshness checks solely based on metadata location, but we should consider
> doing more granular freshness checks. I personally don't see much benefit
> of designing this solution like that, TBH, but seeing some use-cases could
> help us understand the motivation here.
> Let me share my opinion on some of the arguments:
> "A change in metadata location does not necessarily mean a change in
> metadata content"
> AFAIK whenever Iceberg creates a new metadata file there is some change in
> the metadata itself. There might not be a new snapshot, though in the cases
> of e.g. a schema/partition evolution. But even in these cases triggering a
> table reload could make sense to me (e.g. answering SHOW CREATE TABLE and
> similar queries). Additionally, I'd assume the number of metadata location
> changes that don't create a new snapshot is too negligible to optimize for.
> Dmitri, let me know if I misunderstood something.
> "it may still be beneficial to permit the client to ask for changes to
> specific areas of metadata"
> This seems like a use-case that the partial metadata loading proposal
> could solve. To identify the need to load a specific part of the metadata
> with partial metadata loading seems an overkill to design with my proposal,
> if this is what you have in mind. Also I found that the partial metadata
> loading proposal faces serious headwinds, so I wouldn't rely on it at the
> moment.
> *Re-using tableExists*
> I think there is a consensus here that tableExists returning a metadata
> location could work but seems more like a workaround and could be
> misleading for the users.
> *Partial metadata loading could solve this:*
> (Yufei) I agree, it would be perfect for my use-case and I'm following the
> discussion on the proposal. However, for me it seems, as I wrote above,
> that the proposal faces serious headwinds now and I honestly wouldn't
> expect a solution in the short term. But solving the freshness problems is
> a more urgent thing to solve, not just for myself and Impala but apparently
> to many other stakeholders in the community according to the interest on
> this thread.
> Hence, I propose to come up with a separate solution for freshness checks,
> and we can still move to using partial metadata loading once that's out.
> *Use HTTPCache and If-Modified-Since with loadTable*
> This solution seems to do the trick for us. Let me do some research myself
> to see if there are any difficulties implementing this. Currently, I have
> more questions than answers wrt this approach :)
> - The initial problem is to answer freshness questions for the cached
> tables on the client side. If we introduce HttpCaching wouldn't we
> introduce the same problem but on a different level of representation. We'd
> then need to decide the freshness/staleness of the cached data in the HTTP
> layer.
> - If we cache the HTTP responses for a loadTable then we essentially cache
> the content of the metadata.jsons including the snapshot and metadata log
> and everything, plus the snapshot list (and I think the manifests for the
> latest snapshot). I believe that the size of this can easily reach the low
> megabytes range in memory, so in total keeping them in the HTTP Cache for
> all the tables we have queried can easily mean that we keep a couple of GBs
> in memory just for this purpose.
> For engines that already cache table metadata wouldn't this mean that we
> will cache some parts of the metadata redundantly?
> - How would we decide what is the max-age of a cached table metadata in
> the HTTP Cache? Would it be configurable so that each engine could use
> whatever it prefers?
> Sorry if any of the questions doesn't make sense, I just want to make sure
> I understand all the aspects of this approach.
> An additional topic I have in mind:
> *REST catalog vs other catalogs:*
> Now we are focusing our discussion on the REST spec, but I think it would
> be beneficial to extend our focus and cover other catalog implementations
> too. I don't think that this problem of data freshness is specific to REST
> catalog, it could affect any table in any other catalog too.
> I'll continue my investigation wrt the proposals, I just wanted to flush
> out and sum up what we have now before the weekend.
> Regards,
> Gabor
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 10:16 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I like the idea and it makes sense. As soon as it's clearly stated in
>> the spec (using If-Modified-Since header and 304 status code), it
>> looks good to me.
>> Thanks !
>> Regards
>> JB
>> On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 1:58 AM Taeyun Kim <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > (Apologies if this email is a duplicate. This is my third attempt.)
>> >
>> > I also need a way to ensure that my table data is up-to-date. For now,
>> I’m handling this by setting an expiration period after which I fetch the
>> data again, regardless of its freshness.
>> >
>> > Here are my thoughts on the current suggestions. Please correct me if
>> I've misunderstood any of the points.
>> >
>> > - isLatest(): This function could be inefficient since it would require
>> an additional round-trip to fetch the metadata if it’s not up-to-date. This
>> would result in two round-trips overall, which seems suboptimal.
>> > - metadataLocation(): This has a similar issue as isLatest(). BTW,
>> according to the REST catalog API documentation for LoadTableResult schema,
>> it states, "Clients can check whether metadata has changed by comparing
>> metadata locations after the table has been created." (
>> This suggests that if the metadata location has changed, the metadata can
>> be considered updated.
>> > - tableExists(): Based on the name, this function seems to serve a
>> different purpose.
>> >
>> > Here is my suggestion:
>> >
>> > Since HTTP has built-in caching features (
>>, and REST
>> catalogs operate over HTTP, it seems natural to leverage HTTP caching
>> mechanisms. For example, HTTP includes the If-Modified-Since header and the
>> 304 Not Modified status code. Using this approach, we could achieve data
>> freshness with a single round-trip, fetching updated data only if there are
>> modifications.
>> >
>> > What do you think about defining the spec in this direction?
>> >
>> > Thank you.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: "Yufei Gu" <>
>> > To: <>;
>> > Cc:
>> > Sent: 2024-11-13 (수) 03:43:24 (UTC+09:00)
>> > Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] REST: Way to query if metadata pointer is the
>> latest
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi Gamber,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the proposal! Impala isn’t unique in needing this—I've seen
>> similar requirements from other engines.
>> >
>> > As others pointed out, using the “tableExists” endpoint seems like a
>> workaround. I don't consider it a permanent way forward. We could address
>> this by either modifying the current load table endpoint or introducing a
>> new one, but ideally, we should avoid adding endpoints for every specific
>> need. With that, partial metadata loading seems like a strong approach
>> here, we will need certain agreement though. I'd suggest the community
>> consider the use cases seriously. We need a way forward.
>> >
>> > I’m also not too concerned about using metadata file paths to verify
>> the latest table version; clients can simply extract metadata filenames,
>> which include the UUID.
>> >
>> > Yufei
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 7:46 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Fokko
>> >
>> > I like the idea, but I think it's more a workaround and could be
>> > confusing for users :)
>> >
>> > Regards
>> > JB
>> >
>> > On Tue, Nov 12, 2024 at 2:53 PM Fokko Driesprong <>
>> wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Hey Gabor,
>> > >
>> > > Thanks for raising this. While reading this, my first thought is to
>> leverage the `tableExists` operation:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > This doesn't return anything today, but we could return a payload to
>> the latest metadata.json.
>> > >
>> > > Looking forward to what others think.
>> > >
>> > > Kind regards,
>> > > Fokko
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Op di 12 nov 2024 om 14:33 schreef Shani Elharrar
>> <>:
>> > >>
>> > >> I recommend option (b), provided there is no partial metadata
>> loading. We implemented option (b) internally to facilitate partial
>> metadata loading, as we have tables with hundreds of thousands of
>> snapshots. This results in metadata that occupies approximately 500 MB in
>> memory (excluding the JsonNodes), which is a significant load for some of
>> our services.
>> > >>
>> > >> Shani.
>> > >>
>> > >> On 12 Nov 2024, at 14:12, Gabor Kaszab <>
>> wrote:
>> > >>
>> > >> Hey Iceberg Community,
>> > >>
>> > >> Background:
>> > >> Impala is designed in a way to cache the Iceberg table metadata
>> (BaseTable objects in practice) for faster access. Currently, Impala is
>> tightly coupled with HMS and in turn with the HiveCatalog, and in order to
>> keep the cached table objects up-to-date there is a notification mechanism
>> driven by HMS to notify Impala about any changes in the table metadata.
>> > >> The Impala community is actively looking for ways to decouple HMS
>> from Impala and provide a way to use Impala without the need for HMS, and
>> get the Iceberg table metadata from other catalog Implementations mainly
>> focusing now on REST catalogs.
>> > >>
>> > >> Problem to solve:
>> > >> We identified a particular missing functionality in the current REST
>> spec: For engines that cache table metadata currently there is no way to
>> check if that table metadata is up-to-date or not, and whether the engine
>> should reload the metadata for that table or not without getting a whole
>> table object from the catalog. For this I think the REST catalog (but in
>> fact I think this could apply to any other catalogs) should be able to
>> answer a question like:
>> > >> "Hi Catalog, I have this version of this table, is it up-to-date?"
>> > >>
>> > >> Proposal:
>> > >> I've been following the discussion about partial metadata loading
>> that could be also used to answer the above question, but I have the
>> impression now that the conversation stopped making any progress.
>> > >> So instead of waiting for partial metadata loading I propose to have
>> an addition to the REST spec now to answer the question I raised above:
>> > >>
>> > >> a) boolean isLatest(TableIdentifier ident, String metadataLocation);
>> > >> b) String metadataLocation(TableIdentifier ident);
>> > >>
>> > >> Any of the above 2 approaches could help engines to decide if they
>> have to invalidate/reload particular table metadata in the cache. I
>> personally would go for option a) but would be open to hear other opinions.
>> > >>
>> > >> I'd like to know if the community could support me extending the
>> REST spec with any of the 2 options.
>> > >>
>> > >> Regards,
>> > >> Gabor
>> > >>
>> > >>

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