Based on recent discussions the feedback was that we don't want to have
anything storage-specific in the OpenAPI spec (other than documenting the
different storage configurations, which is handled by #10576
Therefore I've updated the PR and made it flexible enough so that we could
still pass different credentials based on a given *prefix* but not need a
new Spec change whenever new credentials are added/changed for a
storage provider.
That should hopefully work for everyone, so please take a look so that we
can do a formal VOTE on these changes.

It was also brought up that it would be helpful to see how this looks in
the context of refreshing vended credentials. I'll share the proposal for
refreshing vended credentials a bit later today.


On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 6:34 PM Dmitri Bourlatchkov
<> wrote:

> > wrt ISO 8601 timestamps: I'd like to keep things consistent with other
> places in the spec, which are typically defined as millisecond values.
> Fair enough. Now that the spec states the reference point in time, using
> millisecond offsets is fine.
> Cheers,
> Dmitri.
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 10:41 AM Eduard Tudenhöfner <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Dmitri for reviewing the PR and the doc.
>> wrt ISO 8601 timestamps: I'd like to keep things consistent with other
>> places in the spec, which are typically defined as millisecond values.
>> Thanks
>> Eduard
>> On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 4:46 PM Dmitri Bourlatchkov
>> <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for proposing this improvement, Eduard!
>>> Overall it seems pretty reasonable to me. I added a few comments in GH
>>> and in the doc.
>>> One higher level point I'd like to discuss is using ISO 8601 to format
>>> expiry timestamps (as opposed to numeric milliseconds values). This should
>>> hopefully make the config more human-readable without adding too much
>>> processing burden. I hope the standard is well supported by most language
>>> libraries now. It is certainly supported by java. WDYT?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dmitri.
>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 12:13 PM Eduard Tudenhöfner <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>> I'd like to propose standardizing the vended credentials used in
>>>> loadTable / loadView responses.
>>>> I opened #11118 <> to
>>>> track the proposal in GH.
>>>> Please find the proposal doc here
>>>> <>
>>>>  (estimated
>>>> read time: 5 minutes).
>>>> The proposal requires a spec change, which can be seen in #10722
>>>> <>.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eduard

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