
I'm starting this thread to explore the idea of hosting an Iceberg Rust Sync 
Meeting. In this meeting, we will discuss recent major changes, pending PR 
reviews, and features in development. It will offer a space for Iceberg Rust 
contributors to connect and become familiar with each other, helping us 
identify and remove contribution barriers to the best of our ability.

Details about this meeeting:

I suggest hosting our meeting at the same time of day, but one week earlier 
than the Iceberg Sync Meeting. For example, if the Iceberg Sync Meeting is 
scheduled for Thursday, October 24, 2024, from 00:00 to 01:00 GMT+8, the 
Iceberg Rust Sync Meeting would take place one week before, on Thursday, 
October 17, 2024, from 00:00 to 01:00 GMT+8.

I also suggest using the same Google Meet code (if possible) so we don't get 

These meetings will not be recorded, but I will take notes in a Google Doc, 
similar to what we do in the Iceberg Sync Meeting.

What are your thoughts? I'm open to other options as well.



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