Hi y'all!

As discussed at the community sync on Wednesday, October has begun and we
are beginning to flesh out the 1.7.0 release as well as the V3 Table Spec.
Since we are a little worried that we won't have all of the Spec items we
want by the end of October,  we discussed that we may want to just do a
release with what we have at the end of the month.

It was noted that we have a lot of exciting things already in and we may be
able to get just the beginning of V3 support as well.

To that end it was proposed that we do the next Iceberg release at the end
of the month (Oct 31st) , and have the cutoff a week before (Oct 25th).
Does anyone have objections or statements of support for this plan?

With this in mind please also start marking any remaining PR's or Issues
that you have with 1.7.0 so we can prioritize them for the cutoff date.

Thanks everyone for your time,

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