Hi All,

Starting this thread to revive the discussion on converting Equality
Deletes as Position deletes and see if this is something community wants
now (Happy to contribute in this) considering :
1/ Now it's not just flink but other writers such Kafka-Connect [1]
debezium server for iceberg [2] have emerged which emit equality deletes
and equality deletes doesn't goes well with the readers in general.
2/ We have some features like Row lineage [3] on which we have taken
decided we will not support it with equality deletes
3/ We are doing considerable enhancements in Position deletes in v3 [4]

I see some past work has been done in this context [5] and we have an
action already in our repo.

Let me know your thoughts.


[1] https://github.com/tabular-io/iceberg-kafka-connect/tree/main
[2] https://github.com/memiiso/debezium-server-iceberg

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