I'm fine with the approach to present the endpoint ID as a plain string.
For any extension in the future, we can add a new field parallel with the
endpoint array. Thanks a lot for driving this, Edward.


On Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 8:05 AM Eduard Tudenhöfner <etudenhoef...@apache.org>

> @Karuppayya: I've answered your question in the doc.
> @Yufei: Part of the reason why the proposed format is so simple is because
> there were different opinions about what level of granularity we should
> have in the context of REST capabilities, which then led to this version.
> It seems people are generally onboard with the simple approach of using 
> *"<httpVerb>
> <resourcePath>" * so maybe we should go with this, wdyt @Yufei?
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 6:50 PM Yufei Gu <flyrain...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I’m OK with using a plain string for the endpoint ID, as described in
>> doc[1]. However, I’ve been thinking about how we can make this more
>> flexible, especially since we’ve had quite a few discussions about
>> granularity.
>> For instance, if we expose a bit more of the API specification, we might
>> not need some of the feature flags.
>> It might be worthwhile to consider adopting the OpenAPI path object
>> schema[2] if we decide to add more structure. Since Iceberg is already
>> using OpenAPI to define the REST specification and will continue to do so,
>> this approach could make future extensions easier.
>> Looking forward to your thoughts on this!
>> Ref:
>>    1. API Endpoints
>>    <https://learn.openapis.org/specification/paths.html#api-endpoints>
>>    2. Path Object <https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.1.0#paths-object>
>> Yufei
>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 8:58 AM karuppayya <karuppayya1...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Can we consider adding `OPTIONS` verb to the resource paths, as part of
>>> the spec?
>>> That way the endpoint discovery endpoint could return only the list of
>>> supported endpoints, without the verbs.
>>> `OPTIONS` on the resource path can return the list of all supported
>>> verbs, and also other information regarding API usage
>>> - Karuppayya
>>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 7:34 AM Dmitri Bourlatchkov
>>> <dmitri.bourlatch...@dremio.com.invalid> wrote:
>>>> Sorry for a bit of back-tracking, but I'd like to clarify the meaning
>>>> of those endpoint strings.
>>>> I initially assumed that the strings would need to be parsed into
>>>> components (verb / path) for use in runtime. My suggestion for using a JSON
>>>> representation was meant to make the parsing more standard (i.e. avoid
>>>> custom format).
>>>> After reading the impl. PR [1] I think parsing is actually _not_
>>>> necessary. The whole endpoint string is basically another form of an
>>>> endpoint "ID".
>>>> If we agree that the values in the new endpoints config list should be
>>>> treated as opaque IDs, I think it should be fine to use the simple string
>>>> representation.
>>>> WDYT?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dmitri.
>>>> [1] https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10929
>>>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 4:43 AM Eduard Tudenhöfner <
>>>> etudenhoef...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>> If we really want to add more structure to the JSON representation,
>>>>> then I would probably prefer what Dmitri suggested in the doc as I think
>>>>> { "GET": {}, "POST": {} } looks a bit weird:
>>>>> "endpoints":[
>>>>>   {"verb": "GET","path": "/v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}"},
>>>>>   {"verb": "GET","path": "/v1/{prefix}/namespaces"},
>>>>>   {"verb": "POST","path": "/v1/{prefix}/namespaces"}
>>>>> ]
>>>>> What do people think of that?
>>>>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 8:13 AM Walaa Eldin Moustafa <
>>>>> wa.moust...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you Eduard for sharing this version of the proposal. Looks
>>>>>> simple, functional, and extensible.
>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 1:10 PM Ryan Blue <b...@databricks.com.invalid>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I think I'm fine either way. I lean toward the simplicity of the
>>>>>>> strings in the proposal but would not complain if we went with Yufei's
>>>>>>> suggestion.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 12:12 PM Yufei Gu <flyrain...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The current proposal lists endpoints as plain strings, and I still
>>>>>>>> believe we could make things a bit smoother by adding some structure to
>>>>>>>> them. Here's the example if the previous one throws you off.
>>>>>>>> *Before:*
>>>>>>>> "GET /v1/{prefix}/namespaces","POST /v1/{prefix}/namespaces","GET 
>>>>>>>> /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}","DELETE 
>>>>>>>> /v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}"
>>>>>>>> *After:*
>>>>>>>> {"/v1/{prefix}/namespaces": { "GET": {}, "POST": {} } 
>>>>>>>> },{"/v1/{prefix}/namespaces/{namespace}": { "GET": {}, "DELETE": {} } }
>>>>>>>> I think this approach would make the definitions more
>>>>>>>> machine-readable and easier to expand in the future. It's always good 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> plan for potential changes, and this structure should help us adapt 
>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>> much hassle.
>>>>>>>> Plus, we could use a trimmed OpenAPI schema for this, so we
>>>>>>>> wouldn’t need to create a new schema from scratch.
>>>>>>>> Yufei
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 11:02 AM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> > But I propose to use a trimmed openAPI's format directly.
>>>>>>>>> Looking at the example, this feels quite complicated to me.
>>>>>>>>> > For example, it is easier if we want to include operationID
>>>>>>>>> I don't think we need to consider accommodating both, since
>>>>>>>>> operationId is an alternative to "<HTTP VERB> <resource path from REST
>>>>>>>>> spec>".
>>>>>>>>> > or adding feature flags, or adding parameters
>>>>>>>>> For more advanced feature flags, those could likely directly go to
>>>>>>>>> overrides just like today, but given we limited the scope to service
>>>>>>>>> endpoint discovery, I think that is another discussion later.
>>>>>>>>> So the current proposed solution from Eduard still feels better to
>>>>>>>>> me. And I think the argument for ambiguity is pretty strong so I am 
>>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>>> with the proposed approach to use "<HTTP VERB> <resource path from 
>>>>>>>>> REST
>>>>>>>>> spec>".
>>>>>>>>> -Jack
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 9:46 AM Yufei Gu <flyrain...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> +1 for the proposal. In terms of the format, the current solution
>>>>>>>>>> is simple enough. But I propose to use a trimmed openAPI's format 
>>>>>>>>>> directly.
>>>>>>>>>> It won't add much cost as we can just take the minimum fields we 
>>>>>>>>>> want. But
>>>>>>>>>> it opens a window to extend it in the future. For example, it is 
>>>>>>>>>> easier if
>>>>>>>>>> we want to include operationID, or adding feature flags, or adding
>>>>>>>>>> parameters. Here is an example:
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>   "resources": [
>>>>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>>>>       "/v1/{prefix}/namespaces":
>>>>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>>>>           "GET": {
>>>>>>>>>>           "description": "List all namespaces"
>>>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>>>         },
>>>>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>>>>           "POST": {
>>>>>>>>>>           "description": "Create a new namespace"
>>>>>>>>>>           }
>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>>>>       "path2": {}
>>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>>>   ...
>>>>>>>>>>   ]
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> Yufei
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 8:47 AM Russell Spitzer <
>>>>>>>>>> russell.spit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I'm on board for this proposal. I was in the off-mail chats and
>>>>>>>>>>> I think this is probably our simplest approach going forward.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 10:39 AM Dmitri Bourlatchkov
>>>>>>>>>>> <dmitri.bourlatch...@dremio.com.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> OpenAPI tool will WARN a lot if Operation IDs overlap.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Generated code/html may also look odd in case of overlaps.
>>>>>>>>>>>> All-in-all, I think the best practice is to define unique
>>>>>>>>>>>> Operation IDs up front.
>>>>>>>>>>>> For Iceberg REST API, the yaml file is the API definition, so
>>>>>>>>>>>> it should not be a problem to ensure that Operation IDs are 
>>>>>>>>>>>> unique, I guess.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitri.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 11:32 AM Eduard Tudenhöfner <
>>>>>>>>>>>> etudenhoef...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Jack,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks for the feedback. I replied in the doc but I can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reiterate my answer here too: The *path* is unique and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> required so that feels more appropriate than requiring to have an 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> optional
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *operationId* in the OpenAPI spec.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Additionally, using the path is more straight-forward when we
>>>>>>>>>>>>> introduce v2 endpoints, while you would have to make sure that all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *operationIds* are unique across endpoints (and I'm not sure
>>>>>>>>>>>>> if OpenAPI tools actually enforce uniqueness).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 5:20 PM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eduard,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In general I agree with this proposal, thanks for putting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this up! Just one question (which I also added in the design), 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what are the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thoughts behind using "<HTTP VERB> <resource path from REST 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spec>", vs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using the operationId defined in the OpenAPI?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The operationId approach definitely looks much cleaner to me,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but (1) in OpenAPI it is not a requirement to define it, and (2) 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there are some inconsistent operationIds, for example 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UpdateTable is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operationId, but CommitTable is used for all request and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> response models.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But these are all pretty solvable issues because we can enforce 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operationId
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be required in the Iceberg spec, and fix it to be consistent, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assuming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nobody is taking a dependency on these operationIds right now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personally speaking, I am pretty neutral on this topic, but
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curious what everyone thinks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jack Ye
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 9:20 AM Eduard Tudenhöfner <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etudenhoef...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Dmitri,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this proposal is the result of the community feedback from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Capabilities proposal. Ultimately the capabilities turned 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out to entail
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more complexity than necessary and so this proposal solves the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> core problem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while keeping complexity and spec changes to an absolute 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minimum.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 5:15 PM Dmitri Bourlatchkov
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <dmitri.bourlatch...@dremio.com.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eduard,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How is this proposal related to the Server Capabilities
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussion?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dmitri.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 5:14 AM Eduard Tudenhöfner <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> etudenhoef...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to propose a way for REST servers to communicate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to clients what endpoints it supports via a new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *endpoints* field in the *CatalogConfig* of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *v1/config* endpoint.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This enables clients to make better decisions and clearly
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signal that a particular endpoint isn’t supported.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I opened #10937
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/10937> to track
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the proposal in GH. Please find the proposal doc here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1krcIaLfxtBFDABU5ssLmf64zyHgE8BRncpGPIMTWlxo/edit?usp=sharing>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  (estimated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> read time: 5 minutes). The proposal requires a Spec change, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which can be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seen in #10928
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10928>.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eduard
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Ryan Blue
>>>>>>> Databricks

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