Everyone is welcome to vote. The Iceberg PMC will have the only binding votes. .. Owen On Jul 19, 2024, at 10:19, Wing Yew Poon <wyp...@cloudera.com.invalid> wrote:
Hi Owen, Thanks for doing this. Once you have the questions and choices, who gets to vote on them? - Wing Yew
All, Sorry for the long pause on bylaws discussion. It was a result of wanting to avoid the long US holiday week (July 4th) and my procrastination, which was furthered by a side conversation that asked me to consider how to move forward in an Apache way. I'd like to thank Jack for moving this to this point. One concern that I had was there were lots of discussions and decisions that were being made off of our email lists, which isn't the way that Apache should work. For finishing this off, I'd like to come up with a set of questions that should be answered by multiple choice questions and then use single transferable vote (STV) to resolve them. STV just means that each person lists their choices in a ranked order with a formal way to resolve how the votes work. The questions that I have heard so far are: - Should the PMC chair be term-limited and if so, what is the period? In my experience, this isn't necessary in most projects and is often ignored. In Hadoop, Chris Douglas was a great chair and held it for 5 years in spite of the 1 year limit.
- No term limit
- 1 year
- 2 year
- What should the minimum voting period be? I'd suggest 3 days is far better as long as it isn't abused by holding important votes over holiday weekends.
- 3 days (72 hours)
- 7 days
- Should we keep the section on roles or just reference the Apache documentation. I'd suggest that we reference the Apache documentation.
- I'd like to include a couple sentences about the different hats at Apache and that votes should be for the benefit of the project and not our employers.
- I'd like to propose that we include text to formally include censor and potential removal for disclosing sensitive information from the private list.
- I'd like to propose branch committers. It has helped Hadoop a lot to enable people to work on development branches for large features before they are given general committership. It is better to have the branch work done at Apache and be visible than having large branches come in late in the project.
- Requirements for each topic (each could be consensus, lazy consensus, lazy majority, lazy 2/3's)
- Add committer
- Remove committer
- Add PMC
- Remove PMC
- Accept design proposal
- Add subproject
- Remove subproject
- Release (can't be lazy consensus)
- Modifying bylaws
Thoughts? Missing questions?
.. Owen