Thanks, Jack, for taking the time to put this initiative together.

I will borrow Julian Hyde’s example of the blind men and the elephant [1]:

“Do you know the story of the blind men and the elephant? Each man touches
a different part of the elephant, so they assume they are touching a
different animal.”

While it may be beneficial for some projects to be approached or evolved
differently by different people, I think Iceberg is on the other side of
this spectrum. Its core value lies in standardization, pluggability, and
extensibility, which require a very specific set of skills.

This is where defining the criteria for voting on proposals, merging
changes, and admitting new members becomes more challenging with projects
like Iceberg. On one hand, as the project grows, we want to include more
people who can help drive the project forward. On the other hand, we want
to ensure these people are capable of doing so in the right direction.

This means we might have two sets of expectations for both the community
and the current PMC/committer group:

* The community should appreciate the level of Iceberg's complexity and the
fact that its learning curve (not just to use but to extend properly) can
be steep. They should understand that the current PMC/committers are coming
from a good place when vetting designs or PRs. Directly following the steps
of other projects does not necessarily mean their rules are suitable for
Iceberg, nor that those rules were beneficial for the original project in
the first place.

* Conversely, the current PMC and committers should be deeply invested in
identifying the right individuals who can carry the project forward and
contribute positively. This should be one of the main activities performed
while reviewing code or designs, not an afterthought. The process might be
slow due to the high standards, but it should progress steadily. This helps
the PMCs/committers scale, and consequently, the project to grow. It also
potentially addresses diversity gaps and single vendor concentration.



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