Excellent suggestion Ajantha, I've created a milestone:

I would also refrain from removing the endpoint without having an
alternative. Also, we have to go through a deprecation process since this
is all implemented in Java, Python, and Rust.

As already shared on the mailing list, I'm working on a PR to have
> interfaces with JAXRS/Swagger annotations to generate OpenAPI
> JSON/YAML with the swagger-gradle-plugin.

That would be really cool! I also spent some time on this when
implementing the REST catalog for PyIceberg, but ran into some limitations
of Open-API in expressing some of the definitions. A lot of the context
around this is captured in this issue
<https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/6798>, maybe it helps when
working on that.

Kind regards,

Op vr 31 mei 2024 om 08:33 schreef Ajantha Bhat <ajanthab...@gmail.com>:

> > In general, we find fewer, more focused proposals allow for better
> discussion and faster resolution.
> Let us have a milestone called "REST catalog v2 spec" (similar to
> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/milestone/42)
> and keep the multiple smaller proposals organized under that.
> - Ajantha
> On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 9:46 PM Daniel Weeks <dwe...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Thanks JB,
>> I do feel like the discussion around OAuth2, SigV4, etc. is a big enough
>> topic that we wouldn't want to bundle it with other proposed changes.  I
>> think the discussion around both what is included in the spec and what the
>> reference implementations will be for each of these protocols will be a
>> rather large topic.
>> In general, we find fewer, more focused proposals allow for better
>> discussion and faster resolution.
>> Can you split that section out into a separate document and create an
>> issue for the auth changes?
>> Thanks,
>> -Dan
>> On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 4:55 AM Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jack,
>>> Here's my comments:
>>> 1. I don't think we should remove the oauth2 endpoint directly like
>>> this. I would first deprecate the endpoint and plan the removal in the
>>> spec v2.
>>> 4. I agree, and it has to be pluggable.
>>> I updated the REST Spec v2 proposal including first steps on v1:
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JUtFpdEoa6IAKt1EzJi_re0PUbh56XnfUtRe5WAfl0s/edit?usp=sharing
>>> As already shared on the mailing list, I'm working on a PR to have
>>> interfaces with JAXRS/Swagger annotations to generate OpenAPI
>>> JSON/YAML with the swagger-gradle-plugin.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Regards
>>> JB
>>> On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 8:03 PM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Just to reiterate my points discussed in the community sync here: the
>>> more I think about it the more I agree the OAuth endpoint should be removed
>>> from the REST spec. Even though the endpoint is optional, and even if we do
>>> not care about the security concerns, it still provides users an impression
>>> that the endpoint "should" be implemented, or "is the preferred
>>> authentication mechanism". And as we have found out, the server capability
>>> proposal does not cover this case since this is the first endpoint to hit
>>> before the GetConfig endpoint.
>>> >
>>> > As Ryan said, if we want to do that we need an alternative plan. I
>>> don't have anything concrete, but here is my line of thought:
>>> >
>>> > 1. remove OAuth2 endpoint from the "REST OpenAPI spec"
>>> >
>>> > 2. create a client-side interface (in each language) that different
>>> authentication mechanisms can be plugged in to talk to the REST catalog
>>> >
>>> > 3. refactor and make OAuth2 an implementation of that interface. I can
>>> also help with doing the same for AWS Sigv4, and the community can further
>>> support some additional ones like Kerberos, SAML, Google SSO, etc. based on
>>> the individual use cases.
>>> >
>>> > 4. turn 2 + 3 into a "REST catalog authentication spec" that documents
>>> about all the supported authentication mechanisms and their defaults. For
>>> OAuth2, the default is to have the auth server at the same endpoint as the
>>> resource server for backwards compatibility, but that is a configurable
>>> property, and we could recommend not to do that based on security concerns.
>>> >
>>> > Best,
>>> > Jack Ye
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 10:28 AM Steven Wu <stevenz...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Wondering if the auth endpoints can be separated out to a separate
>>> OpenAPI spec file. Then we still have some reference for interactions with
>>> auth server and make it clear it is not required as part of the REST
>>> catalog server. In most enterprise environments, auth server is likely a
>>> separate server.
>>> >>
>>> >> On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 1:25 PM Alex Dutra
>>> <alex.du...@dremio.com.invalid> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hi,
>>> >>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On point 4, isn't that possible today, Can't that be achieved with
>>> the current token exchange approach, and the internal implementation of the
>>> endpoint?
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Unfortunately, no. Token exchange is not widely adopted yet: for
>>> example, Keycloak has only partial support for it, and Authelia, or
>>> Authentik, have no support for it at all.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> This, and a few other technical issues with the current internals of
>>> the REST client, makes it nearly impossible to achieve a good integration
>>> of Iceberg REST with the majority of popular OSS authorization servers.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I am planning to start another email thread to discuss these
>>> practicalities, but let's first reach consensus on the broader security
>>> issues voiced here, before we tackle the details.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Alex Dutra
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 8:41 PM Amogh Jahagirdar <am...@tabular.io>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I disagree with removing "/v1/oauth/tokens" and I think I also
>>> disagree with the premise that implementing that endpoint is required, but
>>> I can understand how that's not clear in the spec. I think we can address
>>> the required vs non-required discussion with the capabilities PR.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> It seems like another part of what's driving this discussion is
>>> some concern around how do we enforce REST catalog implementations which do
>>> implement this endpoint to make sure that the implementation is secure (for
>>> example to avoid the MITM example that was brought up). This is ultimately
>>> a runtime detail. To me it seems like if we make it clear that such an
>>> endpoint should be implemented respecting OAuth2 standards, and we know
>>> that OAuth2 compliance requires avoiding that MITM situation, then runtime
>>> implementations should just follow the spec there
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> >3. Enable flexibility for Iceberg REST servers to opt for other
>>> >>>> authorization mechanisms than OAuth 2.0.
>>> >>>> >4. Enable REST servers to opt for integrating with any standard
>>> OAuth2 /
>>> >>>> OIDC provider (e.g. Okta, Keycloak, Authelia).
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I agree with both of these points; again I don't think the
>>> intention is Oauth2 is the only way, but I think the capabilities PR will
>>> make that even more clear.
>>> >>>> On point 4, isn't that possible today, Can't that be achieved with
>>> the current token exchange approach, and the internal implementation of the
>>> endpoint? Sorry if I missed that explanation.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Thanks,
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Amogh Jahagirdar
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 11:13 AM Yufei Gu <flyrain...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Not an expert on authentication, but reading from the context, I
>>> agree that it’s not a good practice to use a resource server as a token
>>> server. The resource server would need to securely handle and store
>>> credentials or tokens, increasing the risk of credential theft or leakage.
>>> Making the token endpoint optional will mitigate the issue a bit. But if we
>>> want to disable it completely, it's better to do it now to prevent any
>>> issues and migration costs in the future. Can we have a consensus on it?
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> I would prefer to deprecate it to prevent any intentional and
>>> unintentional misuse. We will also need to change the clients since it
>>> connects to the endpoint by default.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Yufei
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 8:27 AM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> Sounds like we should try to finalize a consensus around
>>> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/9940, so that we make it very
>>> clear what APIs/features are optional.
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> -Jack
>>> >>>>>>
>>> >>>>>> On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 7:25 AM Fokko Driesprong <
>>> fo...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Hey Robert,
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Sorry for the late reply as I was out last week. I'm not an
>>> OAuth guru either, but some context from my end.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> * Credentials (for example username/password) must _never_ be
>>> sent to
>>> >>>>>>>> the resource server, only to the authorization server.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> In an earlier discussion, it was agreed that the resource server
>>> can also function as the authorization server. But the roles can also be
>>> separate.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> 1.2. As long as OAuth2 is the only mechanism supported by the
>>> Iceberg
>>> >>>>>>>> client, make the existing client parameter “oauth2-server-uri”
>>> >>>>>>>> mandatory. The Iceberg REST catalog must fail to initialize if
>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>> “oauth2-server-uri” parameter is not defined.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> It can also be that there is no authentication in the case of an
>>> internal REST catalog. For example, the iceberg-rest-image that we use for
>>> integration tests in PyIceberg.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> We think that Apache Iceberg REST Catalog spec should not
>>> mandate that a
>>> >>>>>>>> catalog implementation responds to requests to produce Auth
>>> Tokens
>>> >>>>>>>> (since the REST spec v1 defines a /v1/tokens endpoint, current
>>> >>>>>>>> implementations have to take deliberate actions when responding
>>> to those
>>> >>>>>>>> requests, whether with successful token responses or with
>>> “access
>>> >>>>>>>> denied” or “unsupported” responses).
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> The `/v1/tokens` endpoint is optional.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> * Credentials (for example username/password) must _never_ be
>>> sent to
>>> >>>>>>>> the resource server, only to the authorization server.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> I fully agree!
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> Even if an Iceberg REST server does not implement the
>>> ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’
>>> >>>>>>>> endpoint, it can still receive requests to ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’
>>> containing
>>> >>>>>>>> clear text credentials, if clients are misconfigured (humans do
>>> make
>>> >>>>>>>> mistakes) - it’s a non-zero risk - bad actors can
>>> implement/intercept
>>> >>>>>>>> that  ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ endpoint and just wait for
>>> misconfigured
>>> >>>>>>>> clients to send credentials.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> I think the wording is chosen badly. It should not send any
>>> credentials, but the code (as in this example by GCS).
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> I think Jack makes a good point with AWS SigV4 Authentication.
>>> I suppose, in REST Catalog implementations that support that auth method,
>>> the /v1/oauth/token Catalog REST endpoint is redundant.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> There are other cloud providers next to AWS.
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>> >>>>>>> Fokko
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>> Op do 23 mei 2024 om 15:49 schreef Dmitri Bourlatchkov
>>> <dmitri.bourlatch...@dremio.com.invalid>:
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> I think Jack makes a good point with AWS SigV4 Authentication.
>>> I suppose, in REST Catalog implementations that support that auth method,
>>> the /v1/oauth/token Catalog REST endpoint is redundant.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>> >>>>>>>> Dmitri.
>>> >>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>> On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 9:20 AM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> I do not know enough details about OAuth to make comments
>>> about this issue, but just regarding the statement "OAuth2 is the only
>>> mechanism supported by the Iceberg client", AWS Sigv4 auth is also
>>> supported, at least in the Java client implementation. It would be nice if
>>> we formalize that in the spec, at least define it as a generic
>>> authorization header.
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> Best,
>>> >>>>>>>>> Jack Ye
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 2:51 AM Robert Stupp <sn...@snazy.de>
>>> wrote:
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Iceberg REST implementations, either accessible on the public
>>> internet
>>> >>>>>>>>>> or inside an organization, are usually being secured using
>>> appropriate
>>> >>>>>>>>>> authorization mechanisms. The Nessie team is looking at
>>> implementing the
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Iceberg REST specification and have some questions around the
>>> security
>>> >>>>>>>>>> endpoint(s) defined in the spec.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> TL;DR we have questions (potentially concerns) about having
>>> the
>>> >>>>>>>>>> ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ endpoint, for the reasons explained below.
>>> We think
>>> >>>>>>>>>> that ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ poses potential security and OAuth2
>>> compliance
>>> >>>>>>>>>> issues, and imposes how authorization should be implemented.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> * As an open table format, it would be good for Iceberg to
>>> focus on the
>>> >>>>>>>>>> table format / catalog and not how authorization is
>>> implemented. The
>>> >>>>>>>>>> existence of an OAuth endpoint pushes implementations to adopt
>>> >>>>>>>>>> authorization using only OAuth, whereas the implementers
>>> might choose
>>> >>>>>>>>>> several other ways to implement authorization (e.g. SAML). In
>>> our
>>> >>>>>>>>>> opinion the spec should leave it open to the implementation
>>> to decide
>>> >>>>>>>>>> how authorization will be implemented.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> * The existence of that endpoint also pushes operators of
>>> Iceberg REST
>>> >>>>>>>>>> endpoints into the authorization service business.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> * Clients might expose their clear-text credentials to the
>>> wrong
>>> >>>>>>>>>> service, if the (correct) OAuth endpoint is not configured
>>> (humans do
>>> >>>>>>>>>> make mistakes).
>>> >>>>>>>>>> * (Naive) Iceberg REST servers may proxy requests received for
>>> >>>>>>>>>> ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ - and effectively become a
>>> “man-in-the-middle”, which
>>> >>>>>>>>>> is not fully compliant with the OAuth 2.0 specification.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Our goals with this discussion are:
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 1. Secure the Iceberg REST specification by preventing
>>> accidental
>>> >>>>>>>>>> misuse/misimplementation.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 2. Prevent that Iceberg REST to get into dictating the
>>> “authorization
>>> >>>>>>>>>> server specifics”.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 3. Enable flexibility for Iceberg REST servers to opt for
>>> other
>>> >>>>>>>>>> authorization mechanisms than OAuth 2.0.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 4. Enable REST servers to opt for integrating with any
>>> standard OAuth2 /
>>> >>>>>>>>>> OIDC provider (e.g. Okta, Keycloak, Authelia).
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> OAuth 2.0 [1] is one of the common standards accepted in the
>>> industry.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> It defines a secure mechanism to access resources (here:
>>> Iceberg REST
>>> >>>>>>>>>> endpoints). The most important aspect for OAuth 2.0 resources
>>> is that
>>> >>>>>>>>>> (Iceberg REST) servers do not (have to) support password
>>> authentication,
>>> >>>>>>>>>> especially considering the security weaknesses inherent in
>>> passwords.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Compromised passwords result in compromised data protected by
>>> that password.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Therefore OAuth 2.0 defines a set of strict rules. Some of
>>> these are:
>>> >>>>>>>>>> * Credentials (for example username/password) must _never_ be
>>> sent to
>>> >>>>>>>>>> the resource server, only to the authorization server.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> * OAuth 2.0 refresh tokens must _never_ be sent to the
>>> resource server,
>>> >>>>>>>>>> only to the authorization server. (“Unlike access tokens,
>>> refresh tokens
>>> >>>>>>>>>> are intended for use only with authorization servers and are
>>> never sent
>>> >>>>>>>>>> to resource servers.”, cite from section 1.5 of the OAuth RFC
>>> 6749.)
>>> >>>>>>>>>> * While the OAuth RFC states "The authorization server may be
>>> the same
>>> >>>>>>>>>> server as the resource server or a separate entity", this
>>> should not be
>>> >>>>>>>>>> mandated. i.e the spec should be open to supporting
>>> implementations that
>>> >>>>>>>>>> have the authorization server and resource server co-located
>>> as well as
>>> >>>>>>>>>> separate.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> The Iceberg PR 4771 [2] added the OpenAPI path
>>> ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’,
>>> >>>>>>>>>> intentionally marked to “To exchange client credentials
>>> (client ID and
>>> >>>>>>>>>> secret) for an access token. This uses the client credentials
>>> flow.”
>>> >>>>>>>>>> [3]. Technically: client ID and secret are submitted using a
>>> >>>>>>>>>> request to that Iceberg REST endpoint.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Having ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ in the Iceberg REST specification
>>> can easily
>>> >>>>>>>>>> be seen as a hard requirement. In order to implement this in
>>> compliance
>>> >>>>>>>>>> with the OAuth 2.0 spec, that ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ MUST be the
>>> >>>>>>>>>> authorization server. If users do not (want to) implement an
>>> >>>>>>>>>> authorization server, the only way to implement this
>>> ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’
>>> >>>>>>>>>> endpoint would be to proxy ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ to the actual
>>> >>>>>>>>>> authorization server, which means, that this proxy
>>> technically becomes a
>>> >>>>>>>>>> “man in the middle” - knowing both all credentials and all
>>> involved tokens.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Even if an Iceberg REST server does not implement the
>>> ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’
>>> >>>>>>>>>> endpoint, it can still receive requests to ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’
>>> containing
>>> >>>>>>>>>> clear text credentials, if clients are misconfigured (humans
>>> do make
>>> >>>>>>>>>> mistakes) - it’s a non-zero risk - bad actors can
>>> implement/intercept
>>> >>>>>>>>>> that  ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ endpoint and just wait for
>>> misconfigured
>>> >>>>>>>>>> clients to send credentials.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Further usages of the REST Catalog API path
>>> ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ are “To
>>> >>>>>>>>>> exchange a client token and an identity token for a more
>>> specific access
>>> >>>>>>>>>> token. This uses the token exchange flow.” and “To exchange
>>> an access
>>> >>>>>>>>>> token for one with the same claims and a refreshed expiration
>>> period
>>> >>>>>>>>>> This uses the token exchange flow.” Both usages should and
>>> can be
>>> >>>>>>>>>> implemented differently.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Apache Iceberg, as a table format project, should recommend
>>> protecting
>>> >>>>>>>>>> sensitive information. But Iceberg should not mandate _how_
>>> that
>>> >>>>>>>>>> protection is implemented - but the Iceberg REST
>>> specification does
>>> >>>>>>>>>> effectively mandate OAuth 2.0, because other Iceberg REST
>>> endpoints do
>>> >>>>>>>>>> refer/require OAuth 2.0 specifics. Users that want to use
>>> other
>>> >>>>>>>>>> mechanisms, because they are forced to do so by their
>>> organization,
>>> >>>>>>>>>> would be locked out of Iceberg REST.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Apache Iceberg should not mandate OAuth 2.0 as the only
>>> option - for the
>>> >>>>>>>>>> sake of openness for the project and flexibility for the
>>> server
>>> >>>>>>>>>> implementations.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> We think that Apache Iceberg REST Catalog spec should not
>>> mandate that a
>>> >>>>>>>>>> catalog implementation responds to requests to produce Auth
>>> Tokens
>>> >>>>>>>>>> (since the REST spec v1 defines a /v1/tokens endpoint, current
>>> >>>>>>>>>> implementations have to take deliberate actions when
>>> responding to those
>>> >>>>>>>>>> requests, whether with successful token responses or with
>>> “access
>>> >>>>>>>>>> denied” or “unsupported” responses).
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> We propose the following actions:
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 1. Immediate mitigation:
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 1.1. Remove the ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ endpoint entirely from the
>>> Iceberg’s
>>> >>>>>>>>>> OpenAPI spec w/o replacement.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 1.2. As long as OAuth2 is the only mechanism supported by the
>>> Iceberg
>>> >>>>>>>>>> client, make the existing client parameter “oauth2-server-uri”
>>> >>>>>>>>>> mandatory. The Iceberg REST catalog must fail to initialize
>>> if the
>>> >>>>>>>>>> “oauth2-server-uri” parameter is not defined.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 1.3. Remove all fallbacks to the ‘/v1/oauth/tokens’ endpoint.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 1.4. Forbid or discourage the communication of tokens from
>>> any Iceberg
>>> >>>>>>>>>> REST Catalog endpoint, both via the "token" property or with
>>> any of the
>>> >>>>>>>>>> "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:*" properties.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 2. As a follow up: We’d propose a couple of implementation
>>> fixes and
>>> >>>>>>>>>> changes and test improvements.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 3. As a follow up: Define a discovery mechanism for both the
>>> Iceberg
>>> >>>>>>>>>> REST base URI and OAuth 2.0 endpoints/discovery, which allows
>>> users to
>>> >>>>>>>>>> use a single URI to securely access Iceberg REST endpoints.
>>> >>>>>>>>>> 4. As a follow up: Not new, but we also want to improve the
>>> Iceberg REST
>>> >>>>>>>>>> specification via the “new” REST proposal.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> We do not think that adding recommendations to
>>> inline-documentation is
>>> >>>>>>>>>> enough to fully mitigate the above concerns.
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> References:
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> [1] RFC 6749 - The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework,
>>> >>>>>>>>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749
>>> >>>>>>>>>> [2] Iceberg pull request 4771 - Core: Add OAuth2 to REST
>>> catalog spec -
>>> >>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/4771
>>> >>>>>>>>>> [3] Iceberg pull request 4843 - Spec: Add more context about
>>> OAuth2 to
>>> >>>>>>>>>> the REST spec - https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/4843
>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>> >>>>>>>>>> --
>>> >>>>>>>>>> Robert Stupp
>>> >>>>>>>>>> @snazy
>>> >>>>>>>>>>

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