Hi Fokko

Fully agree, it's always "interpretation" and we are often struggling
about NOTICE content (especially during the incubation period).
Let me chat with Justin, Shane and others about this to have a clear
statement and update the "guide/documentation".

Thanks !

On Fri, Apr 5, 2024 at 9:39 AM Fokko Driesprong <fo...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> First of all thanks for all the votes.
> Regarding the discussion around the NOTICE. We all agree that when something 
> is bundled, it needs to be added to the notice. However, Laynes Law of Debate 
> comes into play: what's the definition of bundling? To expand on #413:
> Hive/Thrift: We don't include anything in the release that comes from Thrift 
> or Hive directly. We use Thrift to compile the definition Hive definitions to 
> Python, and those are included. I believe an update to the NOTICE is not 
> required here.
> Avro: We took the de/encoders as a starting point for our Avro 
> implementation. This code was modified making it work with an Iceberg schema, 
> rather than an Avro schema. The LICENSE was updated to attribute the original 
> authors. I can see that this is considered bundling.
>> This is the problem when people copy what other projects are doing. In 
>> general, it is right, but sometimes, it is not. Also, you may not understand 
>> why it was done in a certain way. I frequently have to point this out to 
>> Incubating projects. I hate to have to say to an Incubating project not to 
>> follow this project's example.
> It would be great to update the licensing to explicitly mention how to handle 
> borrowed code. Currently, it is unclear since every project does it 
> differently. For example, Hive, where the NOTICE is empty. If you search in 
> the repository for the word borrowed, on the first page you already see code 
> from HBase and Hadoop. I would love to see the how-to being updated to 
> explicitly mention how to handle borrowed code.
> Kind regards,
> Fokko
> Op vr 5 apr 2024 om 09:08 schreef Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>:
>> Hi,
>> > I think you are right, some 3rd parties (including Apache projects)
>> > are missing in the NOTICE file (you and I already mentioned that in a
>> > previous release). We should at least mention this. I pointed Apache
>> > Karaf NOTICE as example.
>> This is the problem when people copy what other projects are doing. In 
>> general, it is right, but sometimes, it is not. Also, you may not understand 
>> why it was done in a certain way. I frequently have to point this out to 
>> Incubating projects. I hate to have to say to an Incubating project not to 
>> follow this project's example.
>> > I propose to not block releases due to that (as it's like this for a
>> > while) and propose to PR to fix that and discuss/document why the
>> > change.
>> I'm not on the PMC, so even if I did vote, it wouldn't count. I would not 
>> treat it as a blocker for this release, but it would be great if it could be 
>> fixed before the next release.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Justin

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