Hey Iceberg Nation, Here are the meeting minutes from today's meeting.
In today's sync, we welcome two committers, Bryan Keller and Renjie Liu! Bryan has contributed a great deal of work to the project ( https://github.com/apache/iceberg/commits/main/?author=bryanck) over the years, including his most recent contribution, the official Kafka Connect integration (https://github.com/apache/iceberg/commits/main/kafka-connect). Renjie has been the leading contributor to the iceberg-rust implementation ( https://github.com/apache/iceberg-rust/commits/main/?author=liurenjie1024). Congratulations to both of you! The latest 1.5.0 release candidate is passing voting right now, and we dive into some of the changes to expect and call out the contributions from various individuals. Iceberg Summit is on the horizon and the CFP is now open!, please consider submitting a talk (https://sessionize.com/iceberg-summit-2024/). The second half of the sync then covers a thorough discussion around heavily debated implementation details of materialized views that aligned a lot of the discussion points happening on the mailing list, but didn't come to a final consensus. Jack Ye will own providing a summary and facilitate further discussions moving forward to ensure we're discussing the same concepts and coming to a convergence of the different viewpoints. Transcription/Recording: https://youtu.be/d4dEgAa1vKk * Highlights * New committer, Bryan Keller! ([Congrats!]( https://lists.apache.org/thread/361wozk0rpos8tmgfp2t17ygskm83m87)) * New committer, Renjie Liu! * Virtual Iceberg Summit 2024. ([Announcement]( https://lists.apache.org/thread/9w47vqzfz6byzjpx90nhvrg366c58y1m), [CFP]( https://sessionize.com/iceberg-summit-2024/)) (Thanks, JB!) * Added DataFile/DeleteFiles to REST spec (Thanks, Drew!) * Added pagination to the REST spec (Thanks, Rahil!) * Added view support to JDBC catalog (Thanks, JB!) * Added EncryptingFileIO (Thanks, Gidon!) * Fixed snapshot log with REPLACE TABLE (Thanks, Eduard!) * Releases * Iceberg 1.5.0 * Voting on the next release candidate for 1.5.0 ([Vote thread]( https://lists.apache.org/thread/syp2hwp53rhromt4711w709dfq4cmvcb)) * SHOW TABLES behavior * InMemoryCatalog list behavior * Capabilities in REST spec * Discussion * Materialized views discussion