@Ryan, I'd like to introduce you to Lee Atchison <https://www.linkedin.com/in/leeatchison/> who is a core host with Software Engineering Daily. Lee and I are both super excited to have you on the podcast to cover Iceberg. As a next step, would you please schedule time on Lee's podcast recording calendar <https://savvycal.com/leeatchison/sed?sid=60719200-4379-4107-a09c-1a11b59d7ba8> ?
In addition, here are some audio recording tips <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ezlMDhAuFdM-6bOOUQDjnM3HimesbPGxCTEQ4vpNq0E/edit> to help you prepare for the podcast. Note that the podcast will be recorded and released in audio format only. @Lee, I'll let you take it from here! I'm excited to hear the interview. To both of you, I'm standing by to help as needed. Joel