
I am using the 
 to delete data and metadata files for my tables after I drop them from the 
catalog. I notice that if the program terminates unexpectedly (e.g. VM 
shutdown, connection exception, etc.) midway through dropTableData, if it 
successfully deletes the manifest files (.avro files), but fails somewhere 
after that (it hasn't got to delete the metadata.json file), on a retry, 
CatalogUtil::dropTableData will fail at line 94 - 
 (specifically because of snapshot.allManifests) with awssdk NoSuchKeyException 
because the manifest file (.avro file) is no longer there. I wonder why in the 
current implementation, we prefer to let it throw an exception at this line, 
instead of catching it, adding a WARN log or something like that, and letting 
it continue to delete other files afterwards.
Thank you very much!
Happy Thanksgiving,

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