Also, view metadata versions and (underlying) table snapshots/versions are
orthogonal concepts. For example, theoretically, one could time-travel in
views along two dimensions: view metadata version and underlying data
version. Hence, I do not think that data versioning in tables corresponds
exactly to view metadata versioning. Instead of mapping/porting the feature
from tables to views, we can approach this by discussing the use case we
are trying to unlock with this proposal. Maybe there is a better way to
support the use case.


On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 11:47 PM Ajantha Bhat <> wrote:

> Hi Jan,
> In my view, branches are primarily intended for isolating tests and later
> merging them back (commonly referred to as the WAP scenario).
> Tags, conversely, serve the purpose of marking significant snapshots for
> reproducibility or auditing.
> Views essentially act as a shorthand for queries. Creating or replacing a
> view is a metadata operation with no data involvement.
> So, branching and tagging support may be an overkill.
> However, when dealing with materialized views, it becomes crucial to
> support branching and tagging, given that these operations involve data
> manipulation.
> Thanks,
> Ajantha

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