Hey Alessio, Everyone is welcome on the Iceberg slack. What kind of error are you seeing? Can you try this link: https://join.slack.com/t/apache-iceberg/shared_invite/zt-2561tq9qr-UtISlHgsdY3Virs3Z2_btQ
Kind regards, Fokko Op do 19 okt 2023 om 19:11 schreef Alessio Izzo <alessio.izz...@gmail.com>: > Hello, > I'd like to request access to the slack channel because I'm working with > apache iceberg and I also did a small contribution on the python api ( > https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/8286). > I tried to follow the slack link in the website but I got the error that I > do not have the apache.org email. > I'm sorry but maybe I did not understand how permissions works, but since > I am using iceberg at work and I would like to contribute in the future, > being in the slack channel would help. > Please let me know if there is anything I can do. > Thanks a lot, regards. > > Alessio >