
Projectcan be built locally by following the steps mentioned here

Iceberg also publishes the nightly snapshot builds from the latest master
branch code.
You can use them too as the fix is already merged.


On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 5:28 PM Agrawal, Sanket
<sankeagra...@deloitte.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi Eduard,
> Can you please help me with the steps to build a jar for Iceberg-spark
> using master branch?
> *From:* Eduard Tudenhoefner <edu...@tabular.io>
> *Sent:* Thursday, October 5, 2023 2:48 PM
> *To:* dev@iceberg.apache.org
> *Subject:* [EXT] Re: Connection pool shut down in Spark Iceberg Streaming
> Connector
> This sounds similar to https://github.com/apache/iceberg/issues/8601
> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1f98Um8YWENeZEz2RjGrQt6c6ZrlJ0qXFJUVsjVzBOS2h9CQ9eNF0PUKVgBGR_RXnflEQSeL5kWcSyPQ336bvj0R8JP6WXB3em84FKLTrB3Xu1nI-9-lUExbUq1v-_x9fGNXJvEj8EuDlbbIAq_9tDwEpjhXtkAg2Ito3PxxYyj_eEp7DI41LRDv272dTdg4nLONruIPYWXiQ2AtFM0550qzSyTpbpiRwrYDOrn6tDZJmy7A0_r0Epblk5nZdmT_wP0pcBmCKbyLk9zIdYA1A_F9GETdecN8PeVWHuZfz-yRVmPeACWwX9zBkFRJgpd6LnvT4pVsc9bEDuPSTXh1hBYEx-omZJ04Dw7F8GMM2_3fWO-ji4u48uVAcd8q5FZAgi4yYnfgowWHWY0uKJoeBgGFGoq8uT85m1xSQyuZ5UaBBPdk07wHM9VNt_EHUUOkrO9Ck5kxxH9TWnKlgvqqznlp70ZuFsIHCAjamzcnbSc_xqZ6VFKTKHeO3qNu6Mabkx2y7y7Wwpec0abxqskq2UQ/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fapache%2Ficeberg%2Fissues%2F8601>,
> which has just been fixed on master. Other people on Slack reported the
> same issue.
> Given that this didn't make it into 1.4.0, I wonder whether this is
> critical enough to do a 1.4.1 release.
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 10:58 AM Agrawal, Sanket <
> sankeagra...@deloitte.com.invalid> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> We are trying to stream the changes in our Iceberg tables stored in AWS
> S3. We are achieving this through Spark-Iceberg Connector and using JAR
> files for Spark-AWS. Suddenly we have started receiving error “Connection
> pool shut down”.
> Spark Version: 3.4.1
> Iceberg: 1.3.1
> Any help or guidance would of great help.
> Thank You,
> Sanket A.
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> v.E.1

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