Peter, are you taking about the Flink compaction issue discussed here [1] or 
something else?

[1] - 

- Anton

> On Apr 27, 2023, at 9:56 PM, Péter Váry <> wrote:
> I have been thinking about compaction conflicts with concurrent deletes a 
> year ago.
> If we have explicit rowids, then we can run compactions, and concurrent 
> deletes, and we do not have to roll back one of them on commits. This would 
> be possible, since we can identify the deleted rows in the compacted files as 
> well.
> That said, this would introduce a spec change and complications in query 
> planning, as we would need to read more delete files for a given data file. 
> At that point this was the reason I did not push this idea.
> Thanks, Peter 
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2023, 18:27 Anton Okolnychyi <> 
> wrote:
> +1 on adding more documentation regarding this behavior to the docs.
> We debated implicit vs explicit row ID columns while designing lazy row-level 
> operations. It is not uncommon to use explicit row IDs (e.g. Hive ACID) but 
> we decided to avoid that if possible. Iceberg file_name + pos is a cheap way 
> to uniquely identify a row within a snapshot that can be used for external 
> indexes or to encoding row-level mutations. Since we did not plan to ensure 
> uniqueness, it seemed enough to rely on that + support unenforced identifier 
> columns.
> I agree we lose file_name + pos across snapshots if the row gets changed but 
> I am not sure there is a strong use case that can’t be solved using file_name 
> + pos and/or identity columns with some reasonable expectations. I can be 
> convinced otherwise, though.
> - Anton
>> On Apr 26, 2023, at 1:38 PM, Jack Ye < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> To catch up from what we discussed in the community sync, I had the 
>> misunderstanding that this will throw an exception even when we are only 
>> requesting deletes and inserts. Looks like users who want to consume that 
>> kind of changes will not be affected, and what Anton proposes about using 
>> the WAP branch also works for me, so we have a consensus there that throwing 
>> exceptions should be the right way to go.
>> I was thinking that it might be worth considering adding an internal ROWID 
>> column to the Iceberg spec to make sure updates are always valid. 
>> Traditional database systems like Oracle, MySQL, etc. all have that column 
>> baked in and it opens the door for various optimizations, especifically for 
>> indexing purposes. In those database systems, the ROWID is a virtual column 
>> describing the physical storage location of the row, similar to Iceberg's 
>> (file_path, row_posistion) combo. However, because Iceberg tables are 
>> versioned, rows are constantly put to new files, so the ROWID is not stable. 
>> If we want to support a stable ROWID, we probably need to write a UUID for 
>> inserted rows directly in the data files. If we want to do that, it will be 
>> a lot of effort, and it's debatable what exact benefit it would bring, so it 
>> is probably something to consider in the long term.
>> Meanwhile, users can engineer a unique ROWID column when creating the 
>> Iceberg table and use that as a primary key if they want to track exact 
>> update changes for a system with potential duplicate primary key entries. We 
>> could add more documentation in the Spark CDC section 
>> <>
>>  to describe this specific engineering pattern. Or maybe a dedicated page 
>> for primary key and CDC should be added to describe the use case in a more 
>> general way.
>> -Jack
>> On Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 8:58 AM Anton Okolnychyi 
>> < <>> wrote:
>> If I understand correctly, duplicate IDs are only a problem if we want to 
>> compute pre and post update images. If we are not trying to rebuild updates, 
>> it should not matter, which is good as most use cases can be solved with 
>> only DELETE and INSERT. 
>> My initial thought was to do our best and come up with a reasonable 
>> changelog in case rows are not unique and update images were requested. 
>> However, I am no longer sure it is a good idea as there are cases when the 
>> generated changelog may not represent what actually happened.
>> Consider a MERGE command like this.
>> MERGE INTO target t USING source s
>> ON 
>> <>
>>  = 
>> <>
>> WHEN MATCHED AND extra_col = ‘a’ THEN
>>   UPDATE SET update_clause_1
>> WHEN MATCHED AND extra_col = ‘b’ THEN
>>   UPDATE SET update_clause_2
>> It is a valid MERGE and all matching rows must be updated. However, 
>> reconstructing correct UPDATEs is impossible in this case.
>> The spec does not enforce uniqueness and generating a wrong changelog can 
>> lead to problems in downstream jobs. Detecting such cases is extremely hard, 
>> not to mention the pain to rollback entire pipelines.
>> Jack’s use case of deduplicating rows after writes is valid but shouldn’t it 
>> be implemented using WAP or branches to ensure the main branch is clean? 
>> That way, downstream consumers always see only correct data.
>> In my view, it is reasonable to throw an exception when update images are 
>> requested but IDs are not unique. Unless there is a good way to resolve the 
>> problem above?
>> - Anton
>>> On Apr 24, 2023, at 3:00 PM, Yufei Gu < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Two rows are the “same”—that is, the rows represent the same entity—if the 
>>> identifier fields are equal. However, uniqueness of rows by this identifier 
>>> is not guaranteed or required by Iceberg and it is the responsibility of 
>>> processing engines or data providers to enforce.
>>> Based on the above table spec, it is the responsibility of individual 
>>> compute engines to determine if and how to enforce uniqueness. The three 
>>> modes you mentioned(unenforced mode/semi-enforced/enforced) are associated 
>>> with specific engines. To my knowledge, Spark does not enforce uniqueness, 
>>> while Flink offers options for both unenforced and enforced modes. 
>>> Changelog generation is independent of writer types of different engines.
>>> The current changelog generation tool covers the enforced use case of 
>>> course. However, it seems reasonable to provide users with an option to 
>>> prevent job failures in case of non-unique records. This flexibility would 
>>> allow for smoother operations and potentially better overall user 
>>> experience.Thanks for the suggestion.
>>> I'm also curious how the semi-enforced dedupe process works. Would the 
>>> result be like following two rows after the dedupe? Can you share any docs 
>>> or implementations for the dedupe process?
>>> (1,
>>> 'a', DELETE)
>>> (1, 'd', INSERT)
>>> Best,
>>> Yufei
>>> On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 12:00 AM Jack Ye < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> When the row identifier is defined in a table, I think the table can be 
>>> viewed in one of the 3 modes:
>>> 1. unenforced mode: the table operates as if it has no primary key.
>>> 2. semi-enforced mode: some/most writers try to enforce the primary key, 
>>> but it is not guaranteed that there are completely no duplicates. It is 
>>> expected that duplicated rows will be removed as a part of table maintenance
>>> 2. enforced mode: the table's primary key must be enforced by the writers. 
>>> Having duplicated rows is unexpected and is considered an illegal state.
>>> In your example, it seems like:
>>> 1. under unenforced mode, the changelog produced is technically correct 
>>> although it is ambiguous.
>>> 2. under semi-enforced mode, users could accept this ambiguous result 
>>> temporarily and expect the inconsistency to be resolved soon.
>>> 3. under enforced mode, it makes sense to throw an exception to notify the 
>>> table owner that the table has entered an illegal state.
>>> To illustrate the semi-enforced case, a table maintenance process can 
>>> continuously do an aggregation and delete the duplicated rows based on some 
>>> merge-key definition. Suppose in your example the 'name' column is the 
>>> merge key and larger value in comparison wins (just for the sake of 
>>> discussion, probably not a very intuitive example, usually it's something 
>>> like a timestamp column), after the dedupe process runs, the changelog 
>>> including the new transactions would always be:
>>> (1,
>>> 'a', DELETE)
>>> (1, 'b', DELETE)
>>> (1, 'c', INSERT)
>>> (1, 'd', INSERT)
>>> (1, 'c', DELETE)
>>> a.k.a.
>>> (1, 'a', DELETE)
>>> (1, 'b', DELETE)
>>> (1, 'd', INSERT)
>>> and there is only a single record of (1, 'd') in the end regardless of 
>>> which SQL in the original change was actually run.
>>> So going back to the original question, when the user does not expect the 
>>> table primary key to always be strictly enforced, I think it still has 
>>> value for users to have a solution, even if it might be ambiguous and might 
>>> not be the unique and correct solution. That solution might already be good 
>>> enough, or might eventually correct itself. If we follow this logic, 
>>> throwing an exception could be based on a config, just like in CDC we have 
>>> upsert mode as a specific mode to turn on. Otherwise people developing a 
>>> change data feed based on this might have to be blocked by such error until 
>>> the table is repaired and the duplicate rows are removed.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> Best,
>>> Jack Ye
>>> On Thu, Apr 20, 2023, 11:59 PM Yufei Gu < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks, 
>>> I am reaching out to
>>> request your insights on addressing the ambiguous behavior of generating 
>>> changelogs in Iceberg.
>>> To provide some context, Iceberg does not enforce row uniqueness even when 
>>> configured
>>> with identifier fields (a.k.a primary key in the other database system) 
>>> during write operations. That means that it is possible to have multiple 
>>> rows with the same identifier fields values. For example, let's consider a 
>>> table "customer" with columns "id" (int) and "name" (string), and the 
>>> identifier field set as "id." It is still possible to write multiple rows 
>>> with the same "id" values, as shown below:
>>> (1, 'A')
>>> (1, 'B')
>>> (2, 'X')
>>> (2, 'Y')
>>> The CreateChangelogViewProcedure 
>>> <>
>>>  can reconstruct updates based on identifier fields. It
>>> works effectively when there is only one row per identifier value.
>>> However, handling multiple rows with the same identifier values can be 
>>> challenging. For example, a `Merge into` or `Update` command can result the 
>>> following changes:
>>> (1, 'a', DELETE)
>>> (1, 'b', DELETE)
>>> (1, 'c', INSERT)
>>> (1, 'd', INSERT)
>>> Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine whether "c" or "d" updated 
>>> "a". For example, both of the following commands are valid even though 
>>> there is an identifier column id.
>>> table SET
>>> data = 'c'
>>> WHERE data =
>>> 'a';
>>> UPDATE table SET data = 'd' WHERE data = 'b';
>>> Or 
>>> table SET data = 'd' WHERE data = 'a';
>>> UPDATE table SET data = 'c' WHERE data = 'b';
>>> Due to this uncertainty, we have allowed the procedure to throw an 
>>> exception in such cases. A relevant pull request can be found [here 
>>> <>]. I would appreciate any 
>>> thoughts or suggestions.
>>> Best,
>>> Yufei
>>> `This is not a contribution`

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