Looks good to me , although for recruiting I think maybe we should have a dedicated jobs channel?

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On Mar 17, 2023, at 12:46 PM, Daniel Weeks <dwe...@apache.org> wrote:

Hey everyone,

With the increasing level of activity in the Iceberg channels, I feel now is a good opportunity to establish some guidelines around how individuals and those with corporate interests engage with the community.  We discussed this at the most recent Iceberg community sync, but want to open the topic up for discussion here on the dev list.

What I'm proposing is to add the following community guidelines to the website to help clarify what it means to participate and how to engage with the community.  We want there to be a way for everyone to participate, but also provide some structure and best practices.

Please respond with any ideas or proposals to help improve these guidelines or ideas you've seen work well in other OSS communities.  I'll turn this into a PR once we've concluded the discussion and we can adopt the guidelines from there.



Apache Iceberg Community Guidelines

The Apache Iceberg community is built on the principles described in the Apache Way and all who engage with the community are expected to be respectful, open, come with the best interests of the community in mind, and abide by the Apache Foundation Code of Conduct

Participants with Corporate Interests

A wide range of corporate entities have interests that overlap in both features and frameworks related to Iceberg and while we encourage engagement and contributions, the community is not a venue for marketing, solicitation, or recruitment.

Any vendor who wants to participate in the Apache Iceberg community Slack workspace should create a dedicated vendor channel for their organization prefixed by “vendor-”.  

This space can be used to discuss features and integration with Iceberg related to the vendor offering.  This space should not be used to promote competing vendor products/services or disparage other vendor offerings.  Discussion should be focused on questions asked by the community and not to expand/introduce/redirect users to alternate offerings.

Marketing / Solicitation / Recruiting

The Apache Iceberg community is a space for everyone to operate free of influence.  The development lists, slack workspace, and github should not be used to market products or services.  Solicitation or overt promotion should not be performed in common channels or through direct messages.  

For questions regarding any of the guidelines above, please contact a PMC member

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