+1 (non-binding) 1. Verified checksum and signature 2. Verified license docs and ran RAT checks 3. Verified build and all tests passed with JDK11 4. Ran AWS integration tests
Thanks, Amogh Jahagirdar From: Ajantha Bhat <ajanthab...@gmail.com> Reply-To: "dev@iceberg.apache.org" <dev@iceberg.apache.org> Date: Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 9:58 PM To: "dev@iceberg.apache.org" <dev@iceberg.apache.org> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL][VOTE] Release Apache Iceberg 1.2.0 RC1 CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. +1 (non-binding) * verified Nessie integration testing with Spark-3.3_2.12_runtime jar. * validated checksum and signature * checked license docs & ran RAT checks * verified build with JDK11 Thanks, Ajantha On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 4:31 AM Szehon Ho <szehon.apa...@gmail.com<mailto:szehon.apa...@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi, One note, on this release, I ran some simple spark-SQL using a local Spark, like "insert into table select 1". I find any of these operation now spawns 200 executors and takes awhile to finish. |== Physical Plan ==\nAppendData org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.DataSourceV2Strategy$$Lambda$4700/0x0000000801b1b040@2934b897, IcebergWrite(table=iceberg.szho.test, format=PARQUET)\n+- AdaptiveSparkPlan isFinalPlan=false\n +- Exchange hashpartitioning(a#413, 200), REPARTITION_BY_NUM, [id=#363]\n +- Project [1 AS id#412, b AS a#413]\n +- Scan OneRowRelation[]\n\n| I think its expected, due to the distribution mode default change, which penalizes smaller jobs. I think it'd be nice to have some doc guidances for more pleasant user experience for new users? Maybe a note in the getting-started guide on how to reduce number of executors/ or turn off the distribution mode. That being said, I'm +1 (non-binding), aside from that. * Verified signature * Verified checkstum * Rat check license * Ran build and test (some aws test failed to create embedded jetty server because of keystore, probably local environment error) * Ran simple operations on Spark Thanks Szehon On Wed, Mar 15, 2023 at 8:54 AM Eduard Tudenhoefner <edu...@tabular.io<mailto:edu...@tabular.io>> wrote: +1 (non-binding) · validated checksum and signature · checked license docs & ran RAT checks · ran build and tests with JDK11 · integrated into Trino<https://github.com/trinodb/trino/pull/15726> / Presto<https://github.com/prestodb/presto/pull/18934> and our internal platform · ran a few manual steps in Spark 3.3 Just FYI that the release notes will usually be available once voting on the RC passed and artifacts are publicly available. Thanks Eduard On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 5:19 AM Jack Ye <yezhao...@gmail.com<mailto:yezhao...@gmail.com>> wrote: Hi Everyone, I propose that we release the following RC as the official Apache Iceberg 1.2.0 release. The commit ID is e340ad5be04e902398c576f431810c3dfa4fe717 * This corresponds to the tag: apache-iceberg-1.2.0-rc1 * https://github.com/apache/iceberg/commits/apache-iceberg-1.2.0-rc1 * https://github.com/apache/iceberg/tree/e340ad5be04e902398c576f431810c3dfa4fe717 The release tarball, signature, and checksums are here: * https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/iceberg/apache-iceberg-1.2.0-rc1 You can find the KEYS file here: * https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/iceberg/KEYS Convenience binary artifacts are staged on Nexus. The Maven repository URL is: * https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheiceberg-1121/ Please download, verify, and test. Please vote in the next 72 hours. [ ] +1 Release this as Apache Iceberg 1.2.0 [ ] +0 [ ] -1 Do not release this because...