Sad to hear this awful news. I remember Kyle as someone that always took
the time to help everyone out. I've learned a lot from him, and it was a
privilege to work with him. Each time I work on the open-api spec, he puts
a smile on my face.
He will be truly missed.


Op ma 5 dec. 2022 om 19:51 schreef huaxin gao <>:

> I am extremely shocked and saddened to hear of Kyle's passing.
> When I made my very first Iceberg PR last August, Kyle reviewed it
> immediately and helped me on it, and he did so for almost all my PRs.
> I pulled out a couple of my old PRs just now and re-read his comments. He
> liked to put smiling faces in his comments. These little smiling faces
> always made me feel welcomed and brightened my heart.
> Kyle, you will be truly missed and always remembered!
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 9:54 AM Yufei Gu <> wrote:
>> I am sorry to hear about Kyle's passing. He was a wonderful person and a
>> valuable member of the open-source community. It's always difficult to lose
>> someone who has made such a positive impact on our lives. I remember
>> working with him on several projects and being impressed by his technical
>> knowledge, his passion and his humbleness. He will be greatly missed by all
>> who knew him. Thank you for sharing your memories of Kyle and for offering
>> to pass them on to his family.
>> Best,
>> Yufei
>> `This is not a contribution`
>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 8:36 AM Steven Wu <> wrote:
>>> This is such tough news. I had the fortune to work with him closely in
>>> the OSS community. His enthusiasm and care for the community is contagious.
>>> He is humble and inclusive. Made some many contributions. He will be deeply
>>> missed and his impact lives on.
>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 8:32 AM Eduard Tudenhoefner <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Kyle was a really great friend and colleague. I've enjoyed working with
>>>> him in the OSS community and at Tabular in particular. He was a welcoming
>>>> and open person and helped the OSS community in so many different ways. He
>>>> will be missed!
>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 4:18 PM Russell Spitzer <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Kyle always made my day a little brighter. He was a great friend and
>>>>> welcoming member of this community. I know I'll miss having him here. I'm
>>>>> glad I had the privilege of getting to work with him both at Apple and
>>>>> within the OSS world.
>>>>> On Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 9:12 AM Holden Karau <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Everyone,
>>>>>> I know that many (if not all) of us have had the chance to work with
>>>>>> Kyle <> and get to know him and his
>>>>>> wonderful sense of humor. Unfortunately, he passed away recently. I feel
>>>>>> fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with him and be friends. He
>>>>>> did some amazing work in Iceberg and cared about making our open-source
>>>>>> communities more welcoming and inclusive. He will be missed greatly. Next
>>>>>> time I am in Catalonia, I will raise a glass in his memory in a gay bar.
>>>>>> If it would help anyone to share their memories, Kyle I know I'd love
>>>>>> to hear them and I'll collect them and pass them on to his family.
>>>>>> Take care of each other.
>>>>>> Hugs & Love,
>>>>>> Holden

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