Hi Iceberg Community,

Here are the minutes and recording from our Iceberg Sync that took
place on *November

Always remember, anyone can join the discussion so feel free to share the
Iceberg-Sync <https://groups.google.com/g/iceberg-sync> google group with
anyone seeking an invite.
The notes and the agenda are posted in the Iceberg Sync doc
also attached to the meeting invitation and it's an excellent place to add
items as you see fit so we can discuss them in the following community sync.

Meeting Recording

Meeting Transcript



      1.1.0 is out! (Thanks, Gabor and Fokko!)

      Python scan planning is working (Thanks, Fokko!)

         And experimental PyArrow and DuckDB support

      Python Glue support (Thanks!)

      Encryption stream spec is in (Thanks, Gidon!)

      View interfaces are ready (Thanks, John!)


      1.2.0 timeline

         Mid to end of January 2023

         Targeting features

      Python 0.2.0

         Scan planning! Experimental PyArrow! Glue support!

         Jun is RM

         Targeting a candidate this week


      Partition stats proposal

         Decide on the format

      Puffin and Spark for NDVs

         Trino performance is much better for some queries – NDV related

         Will update DSv2 to pass NDV

      Changelog scans

         AS OF syntax is not supported

         Filtering didn’t work easily

      Alternative view representations

      Rate limit on Spark Streaming (pr :

Any analysis or improvement action based on this?

Thanks everyone

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