Thanks for the inputs!

@Yufei As I see #6026 was merged recently so this should be fine.

There are 2 outstanding items targeted for 1.1.0:
*@Dmitri* Could you please give us an update about this? Can we expect this
to be closed in the next - let's say - week?

*@Ajantha* Similar question: you pinged me to put this into 1.1.0 but as I
see this has been ongoing since May. Do you feel this is going to be merged

*In general about the release frequency*:
I asked around about the plan on how frequently we can expect a new Iceberg
release from this point on and what I could learned is that the plan would
be to have them quite often (once in a month or two?) but it's hard to say
because this is going to be the first one after 1.0.0. We'll see how
smoothly this and the next release goes.
In general we shouldn't wait long for any specific patch and push
everything unfinished to the next release considering there is going to be
one soon after the current. Hope this makes sense.


On Sat, Oct 22, 2022 at 12:30 AM Yufei Gu <> wrote:

> Hi Gabor,
> is fixing a bug
> <> in MOR vectorized read.
> We will need it in the new release.
> Best,
> Yufei
> `This is not a contribution`
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 9:26 AM Dmitri Bourlatchkov <
>> wrote:
>> #6031 is wide, but not all of that is needed to be able to use the new
>> API in Iceberg :)
>> ATM I'm thinking about 1 week for making client-side changes available in
>> Nessie.
>> How frequent are Iceberg releases going to be? If they are on the order
>> of 1-2 weeks, then of course we can defer to a later point release.... but
>> I hope not to delay for months :)
>> Cheers,
>> Dmitri.
>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 11:52 AM Eduard Tudenhoefner <>
>> wrote:
>>> @Dmitri: how close to completion is #6031? We're planning to release
>>> more frequently than we have done in the past and 1.1.0 will contain the
>>> latest changes from master btw.
>>> I don't think we want to hold off too long with the release as there are
>>> quite a big amount of new things that we'd like to ship. That's why I'm
>>> curious whether #6031 is "almost" done? If it doesn't make it into 1.1.0,
>>> then there will be a 1.2.0 release soonish as well.
>>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 4:55 PM Dmitri Bourlatchkov <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I'd like to add to the
>>>> 1.1 milestone (I believe permissions are indeed required for that).
>>>> Most of the work will happen on the Nessie side. When the new API is
>>>> ready, the expectation is that Iceberg will simply need to compile with a
>>>> new version of Nessie client jars (well, perhaps minor code changes may be
>>>> required).
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dmitri.
>>>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 6:00 AM Gabor Kaszab <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hey Iceberg community,
>>>>> During the last community sync it came up that we might want to
>>>>> release 1.1.0  soon and I volunteered to be the release manager.
>>>>> As a first step I'd like to collect the issues/PRs that are meant to
>>>>> be part of 1.1.0 but not merged yet. I found a milestone already created 
>>>>> to
>>>>> keep track of these:
>>>>> Feel free to send the link for your ongoing PRs you'd like to put into
>>>>> 1.1.0 replying to this mail thread or add it to the milestone linked 
>>>>> above.
>>>>> (I'm not sure if it requires some extra, e.g. administrator rights on
>>>>> Iceberg github to do so)
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Gabor

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