
I am trying to understand the usage of Transactions in Iceberg with
"commit.retry.num-retries" set to zero. My requirement is that the
transaction must fail if the table gets updated by any concurrent
transaction after opening the transaction.

I wrote the following unit test in TestHadoopTables.java to verify the
behaviour. I am noticing that both transactions are committing one after
the other leading to an unexpected table state. Could anyone please confirm
if I am doing anything wrong, or whether Iceberg transaction commit logic
needs any change?

This test is very simple. It opens two transactions one after another, adds
a file as part of the transaction, and commits them one after the other. My
requirement is that the second transaction must fail with
CommitFailedException. But, it is successfully committing.

  public void testSimpleConcurrentTransaction() {
    PartitionSpec spec = PartitionSpec.builderFor(SCHEMA)

    // set table property to avoid retries during commit
    final Map<String, String> tableProperties = Stream.of(new String[][] {
            { TableProperties.COMMIT_NUM_RETRIES, "0"
}}).collect(Collectors.toMap(d->d[0], d->d[1]));

    final DataFile FILE_A = DataFiles.builder(spec)

    Table table = TABLES.create(SCHEMA, spec, tableProperties,

    // It is an empty table, so there is no snapshot yet
    Assert.assertEquals("Current snapshot must be null", null,

    // start transaction t1
    Transaction t1 = table.newTransaction();

    // start transaction t2
    Transaction t2 = table.newTransaction();

    // t1 is adding a data file

    // t2 is adding a data file

    // commit transaction t1

    // commit transaction t2: My requirement is that the following commit
must fail

    List<ManifestFile> manifests = table.currentSnapshot().allManifests();

    // Following assert fails since both transaction added one each
manifest file
    Assert.assertEquals("Should have 1 manifest file", 1, manifests.size());

Please suggest whether there is a way to commit transactions such that the
second one fails. Thank you so much.

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