I have put together a somewhat working solution:
  return (CloseableIterable) CloseableIterable.transform(((DataTask) 
currentTask).rows(), row -> {
    Record record = GenericRecord.create(readSchema);
    List<Types.NestedField> tableFields = tableSchema.asStruct().fields();
    for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) {
      Types.NestedField tableField = tableFields.get(i);
      if (readSchema.findField(tableField.name()) != null) {
        record.setField(tableField.name(), row.get(i, 
    return record;
Which is working only for int/long/string etc types and it has problems with 
Long->OffsetDateTime conversion and friends.
I am almost sure that this should have an existing and better solution already 
somewhere :)

> On Jul 15, 2021, at 15:57, Peter Vary <pv...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I am working to enable running queries above metadata tables through Hive.
> I was able to load the correct metadata table though the Catalogs, and I 
> created the TableScan, but I am stuck there ATM.
> What is the recommended way to get the Record-s for the Schema defined by the 
> MetadataTable using the Java API?
> For data files we create our own readers, but I guess we already has some 
> better way to do that for metadata.
> Any pointers would be welcome.
> Thanks,
> Peter

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