Great to hear you're up and running, Marko!

Would you be interested in sharing your JDBC/Posgres metastore? I don't
think we have one yet and it would be great to have a simple one that is
backed by a database.

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 9:06 AM Marko Babic <>

> Thanks for your help + suggestions, Peter. Thanks for the pointer to
> Nessie, Jacques.
> To wrap up the thread: I took an afternoon to put together a
> Postgres-backed metastore to make sure I understood all the moving pieces
> and have some confidence that I know what would go into the migration no
> matter what we choose (HMS vs. something custom vs. something else), just
> an internal question as to what we prefer now.
> Building a custom metastore was pleasantly pain-free — thanks to everyone
> involved in documenting the process + building things to have points of
> extension.
> Marko
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 12:43 AM Peter Vary <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Marco,
>> See my comments below:
>> On Nov 20, 2020, at 19:58, Marko Babic <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Peter. Thanks for responding.
>> > The command you mention below: `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` above an
>> existing Iceberg table will not transfer the "responsibility" of tracking
>> the snapshot to HMS. It only creates a HMS external table ...
>> So my understanding is that the HiveCatalog is basically just using HMS
>> as an atomically updateable pointer to a metadata file (excepting recent
>> work to make Iceberg tables queryable _from_ Hive which we won't be doing)
>> If you really do not want to read the tables from Hive and do not have an
>> already working HMS then Jacque's suggestion would make some sense to use
>> Nessie or another more lightweight custom catalog implementation. Maturity
>> should be considered as a plus for HMS, but probably you can get away
>> without introducing another component to your architecture.
>> so what I'm doing with that command is mimicking the DDL for a
>> HiveCatalog-created table, which sets up Iceberg tables as external
>> tables in HMS
>> <>,
>>  and
>> manually updating the `metadata_location` table property to point to latest
>> metadata file for the existing table that I want to integrate with HMS.
>> Updating the metadata pointer, along with obviously updating all
>> readers/writers to load the table via the HiveCatalog, seems to be all I
>> need to do to make that work but I'm just naively dipping my toes in here
>> and could absolutely be missing something. E.g. I figured out I'd have to
>> rename the latest metadata file from the existing table I want to integrate
>> with HMS so that BaseMetastoreTableOperations could parse the version
>> number, but only realized later that I'd have to rename _all_ the old
>> metadata files + twiddle the metadata log entries to use the updated names.
>> I would try to avoid renaming files, because then you get yourself into
>> the mess when you are updating all the path information in the metadata
>> files, which with the snapshot/manifest hierarchy might cause headaches.
>> AFAIK there is no requirements for the naming of the snapshot files for
>> the HiveCatalog as it is using UUID to make sure the name of the snapshot
>> files are unique. If I know correctly the v1/v2 etc requirement is only for
>> HadoopCatalog and HadoopTables.
>> So you can try just manually updating the metadata location. This could
>> work, but I do not know of any official tool for this.
>> > What I would do is this: ...
>> Makes sense, the external table creation + metadata pointer mangling is
>> my attempt to do basically this but I'm not confident I know everything
>> that needs to go into making step 2 happen. :)
>> The following is what I'm thinking:
>> - Given an existing Hadoop table on top of S3 at s3://old_table/, create
>> a new table with the same schema + partition spec via HiveCatalog.
>> - Parse metadata files from the old table and update them to be
>> HadoopCatalog-compatible: all I'd be updating is metadata file names + the
>> metadata log as described above.
>> - Write updated metadata files to s3://old_table/metadata/. Update new
>> table in HMS to point to latest, updated metadata file and update the table
>> location to point to s3://old_table/.
>> I could alternatively `aws s3 sync` data files from the old table to the
>> new one, rewrite all the old metadata + snapshot manifest lists + manifest
>> files to point to the new data directory, and leave s3://old_table/
>> untouched, but I guess that's a decision I'd make once I'm into things and
>> have a better sense of what'd be less error-prone.
>> Thanks again!
>> Marko
>> On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 12:39 AM Peter Vary <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Marko,
>>> The command you mention below: `CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE` above an existing
>>> Iceberg table will not transfer the "responsibility" of tracking the
>>> snapshot to HMS. It only creates a HMS external table which will allow Hive
>>> queries to read the given table. If you want to track the snapshot in the
>>> HMS then you have to originally create a table in HMS using HiveCatalog.
>>> What I would do is this:
>>>    1. Create a new Iceberg table in a catalog which supports concurrent
>>>    writes (Hive/Hadoop/Custom)
>>>    2. Migrate the tables to the new catalog. Maybe there are some
>>>    already existing tools there, or with some java/spark code the snapshot
>>>    files can be read and rewritten. By my understanding you definitely do 
>>> not
>>>    have to rewrite the data files, just the snapshot files (and maybe the
>>>    manifest files)
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Peter
>>> On Nov 19, 2020, at 21:29, John Clara <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> My team has been using the custom catalog along with atomic metadata
>>> updates but we never migrated existing iceberg tables onto it. We also
>>> haven't turned on integration with the hive catalog, so I'm not sure how
>>> easy it is to plug in there (I think there was some recent work on
>>> that?). Dynamo provides a local mock which you could combine with s3mock
>>> (check iceberg tests) to test it out:
>>> Only weird things we've run into with dynamo is:
>>> 1. it seems like we get rate limited by dynamo pretty hard when first
>>> writing to a new table until rate limits are adjusted (potentially by aws
>>> dynamically dynamo's internal partitions?)
>>> 2. make sure to page scans if you have a lot of values when doing lists
>>> (we haven't enabled catalog listing yet, but we've ran into this before)
>>> We chose dynamo because we were using it for other usecases. I'm not
>>> sure if it's the best aws provided option for atomic changes.
>>> John
>>> On 11/19/20 10:07 AM, Marko Babic wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> At my org we’ve spun up a few Iceberg tables on top of S3 without a
>>> metastore (conscious of the consequences) and we’ve arrived at the point
>>> that we need to support concurrent writes. :) I was hoping to get some
>>> advice as to what the best way to integrate an existing Iceberg table into
>>> a Hive Metastore or an alternative might be. We’re still relatively early
>>> in our adoption of Iceberg and have no real prior experience with Hive so I
>>> don’t know what I don’t know.
>>> Some options we’re weighing:
>>>   - Existing tables aren’t so big that the moral equivalent of "CREATE
>>> TABLE hive.db.table … AS SELECT * FROM hadoop.table" is out of the
>>> question, but we’d prefer to not have to read + rewrite everything. We also
>>> have stateful readers (tracking which snapshots they have previously read)
>>> and preserving table history would make life easier.
>>>   - Doing something along the lines of the following and importing the
>>> tables into Hive as external tables looks like it should work given my
>>> understanding of how Iceberg is using HMS, but I don’t know if it’s
>>> encouraged and I haven’t done diligence to understand potential
>>> consequences:
>>> ```
>>> hive> CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `existing_table` (...)
>>>   's3://existing-table/'
>>> -- serde, input/output formats omitted
>>>   -- Assuming latest metadata file for Hadoop table is
>>> v99.metadata.json, rename it to 00099-uuid.metadata.json
>>>   -- so that BaseMetastoreTableOperations can correctly parse the
>>> version number.
>>> 'metadata_location'='
>>> s3://existing-table/metadata/00099-uuid.metadata.json',
>>>   'table_type'='ICEBERG'
>>> )
>>> ```
>>>   - Others seem to have had success implementing + maintaining a custom
>>> catalog ( <
>>>>) backed by e.g. DynamoDB
>>> for atomic metadata updates, which could appeal to us. Seems like migration
>>> in this case consists of implementing the catalog and plopping the latest
>>> metadata into the backing store. Are custom catalogs more of an escape
>>> hatch when HMS can’t be used, or would that maybe be a reasonable way
>>> forward if we find we don’t want to maintain + operate on top of HMS?
>>> Apologies if this was discussed or documented somewhere else and I’ve
>>> missed it.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Marko

Ryan Blue
Software Engineer

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