OpenInx, thanks a lot for kicking off the discussion. Looks like my
previous reply didn't reach the mailing list.

> flink source based on the new FLIP-27 interface

Yes, we shall target 0.11.0 release for the FLIP-27 flink source. I have
updated the issue [1] with the following scopes.

   - Support both static/batch and continuous/streaming enumeration modes
   - Support only the simple assigner with no ordering/locality guarantee
   when handing out split assignment. But make the interface flexible to plug
   in different assigners (like the event time alignment assigner or locality
   aware assigner)
   - It will be @Experimenta status as nobody has run FLIP-27 sources in
   production today. Flink 1.12.0 release (ETA end of Nov) will have the first
   set of sources (Kafka and file) implemented with FLIP-27 source framework.
   We still need to gain more production experiences.


On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 12:15 AM OpenInx <> wrote:

> Hi  dev
> As we know, we will be happy to cut the iceberg 0.10.0 candidate release
> this week.  I think it may be the time to plan for the future iceberg
> 0.11.0 now, so I created a Java 0.11.0 Release milestone here [1]
> I put the following issues into the newly created milestone:
> 1.   Apache Flink Rewrite Actions in Apache Iceberg.
> It's possible that we encounter too many small files issues when running
> the iceberg flink sink in real production because of the frequent
> checkpoint.  we have two approaches to handle the small files:
> a.  As the current spark rewrite actions designed,  flink will provide the
> similar rewrite actions which will be running in a batch job.  It's
> suitable to trigger the whole table or whole partitions compactions
> periodically, because this kind of rewrites will compact many large files
> and may consume lots of bandwidth.  Currently,   I and JunZheng are working
> on this issue, and we've extracted the base rewrite actions between spark
> module and flink module.  The next step would be implementing rewrite
> actions in the flink module.
> b. Compact those small files in the flink streaming job when sinking into
> iceberg tables. That means we will provide a new rewrite operator chaining
> to the current IcebergFilesCommitter.  Once an iceberg transaction has been
> committed, the newly introduced rewrite operator will check whether it
> needs a small compaction. Those actions only choose a few tiny size files
> (may be several KB, or MB, I think we could provide a configurable
> threshold) to rewrite, which can be achieved with a minimum cost and a
> higher efficiency of compaction.   Currently,  simonsssu from Tencent has
> provided a WIP PR here [2]
> 2. Allow to write CDC or UPSERT records by flink streaming jobs.
> We've almost implemented the row-level delete feature in the iceberg
> master branch, but still lack the ability to integrate with compute engines
> (to be precise,  we spark/flink could read the expected records if someone
> has deleted the rows correctly but the write path is not available).  I am
> preparing the patch for sinking CDC into iceberg by flink streaming job
> here [3], I think it will be ready in the next few weeks.
> 3.  Apache flink streaming reader.
> We've prepared a POC version in our alibaba internal branch, but still not
> contribute to apache iceberg now.  I think it's worth accomplishing that in
> the following days.
> The above are the issues that I think it's worth to merge before iceberg
> 0.11.0.  But  I' not quite sure what's the plan for the things:
> 1.  I know @Anton Okolnychyi <> is working on
> spark-sql extensions for iceberg, I guess there's a high probability to get
> that ?  [4]
> 2.  @Steven Wu <> from netflix is working on flink
> source based on the new FLIP-27 interface,  thoughts ? [5]
> 3.  How about the Spark Row-Delete integration work ?
> [1].
> [2].
> [3].
> [4].
> [5].

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