Hi Team, I was wondering if there is a general best practice for using log levels in Iceberg, what is the usual way we do it.
I have been playing around with Iceberg/Hive integration and was wondering how I would be able to debug a customer case based on the logs. To be the honest answer based on the current code is most probably using some additional method to generate new log lines, which I think is not a good situation. I was thinking about adding some more logging to the code and added the proposed log level next to it: CatalogLoader/Catalogs: Which catalog is used to fetch the table - INFO What is the table being fetched in the end - INFO HiveCatalog: Table is created/dropped/renamed - INFO Catalog is created/dropped - INFO HiveTableOperation: Write committed / table created - INFO IcebergInputFormat: Scan parameters provided - DEBUG SnapshotId Time Filters Final snapshotId being read - INFO (if I find a way to get this) Opening specific files and their format - DEBUG Are the logs above are compliant with the current practice? Shall I modify them up or down? Any places around Iceberg/Hive you think it would be good to add logging? Thanks, Peter