I'm +1 (non-binding) if you allow a window for review (for example, I think
others have suggested 1-2 business day before self+1). The post, self +1,
merge in two minutes is not great situation for anyone.
Jacques Nadeau
CTO and Co-Founder, Dremio

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:51 PM Ryan Blue <rb...@netflix.com.invalid> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I’d like to give a shout out to some of the awesome people that have
> joined this community and taken the time to review pull requests: Matt
> Cheah, Anton Okolnychyi, Ratandeep Ratti, Filip Bocse, and Uwe Korn. Thanks
> to all of you!
> This work is really helpful to growing community and is a significant step
> toward becoming a committer.
> Since we have such great community support, I’d like to suggest an option
> for getting pull requests merged more quickly while we’re in the current
> phase. We don’t have many committers to review pull requests, but we do
> have several people on that path. I suggest we allow committers to merge
> their own pull requests if they are reviewed by the community.
> I think this could be helpful, but I have seen it go wrong in the past
> when people from the same company don’t make good faith reviews and instead
> +1 a PR just to get it in. That said, I think we can address that problem
> if and when it happens. We can also limit this policy to this year, after
> which we should have more committers.
> What does everyone think?
> If there’s enough support on this thread, I’ll start a vote.
> rb
> --
> Ryan Blue
> Software Engineer
> Netflix

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