+1 for the release and release manager candidate


> 2024年10月31日 下午8:04,Yanquan Lv <decq12y...@gmail.com> 写道:
> +1 for the release HBase connector 4.0 with 1.18 and 1.19 support.
>> 2024年10月29日 00:03,Ferenc Csaky <ferenc.cs...@pm.me.INVALID> 写道:
>> Hi,
>> Based on this discussion I would like to suggest to move on with
>> the originally planned release with the HBase connector 4.0, that
>> will support 1.18, and 1.19.
>> I volunteer to be the release manager.
>> Thanks,
>> Ferenc
>> On Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 at 13:19, Ferenc Csaky 
>> <ferenc.cs...@pm.me.INVALID> wrote:
>>> Hi Marton, Yanquan,
>>> Thank you for your responses! Regarding the points brought up to
>>> discuss:
>>> 1. Supporting 1.20 definitely makes sense, but since there is quite
>>> a big gap to work down here now, I am not sure it should be done in
>>> 1 step. As my understanding, the externalized connector dev model
>>> [1] do not explicitly forbid that, but AFAIK there were external
>>> connector release that supported 3 different Flink minor versions.
>>> In this case, I think technically would be possible, but IMO
>>> supporting 3 Flink verisons adds more complexity to maintain. So
>>> what I would suggest to release 4.0 with Flink 1.18 and 1.19
>>> support, and after that there can be a 4.1 that supports 1.19 and
>>> 1.20. 4.0 will only have patch support, probably minimizing Flink
>>> version specific problems.
>>> 2. Flink 1.17 had no JDK17 support, so those Hadoop related
>>> problems should not play a role if something needs to be released
>>> that supports 1.17. But if connector 4.0 is released, 3.x versions
>>> will not get any new releases (even not patch), cause 1.17 is out
>>> of support already.
>>> Best,
>>> Ferenc
>>> [1] 
>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/Externalized+Connector+development
>>> On Wednesday, 23 October 2024 at 05:19, Yanquan Lv decq12y...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Feri,
>>>> Thank you for bringing up this discussion.
>>>> I agree to release a version to bump the newer version of Flink with 
>>>> partial JDK versions support. I have two points to be discussed.
>>>> 1. I have heard many inquiries about supporting higher versions of Flink 
>>>> in Slack, Chinese communities, etc., and a large part of them hope to use 
>>>> it on Flink1.20. Should we consider explicitly supporting Flink1.20 on 
>>>> version 4.0, otherwise users will have to wait for a relatively long 
>>>> release cycle.
>>>> 2. Currently supporting Flink1.17 is difficult, but are there any plans to 
>>>> support it in the future? Do we need to wait for Hadoop related 
>>>> repositories to release specific versions.
>>>>> 2024年10月22日 19:44,Ferenc Csaky ferenc.cs...@pm.me.INVALID 写道:
>>>>> Hello devs,
>>>>> I would like to start a discussion regarding a new HBase connector 
>>>>> release. Currently, the
>>>>> externalized HBase connector has only 1 release: 3.0.0 that supports 
>>>>> Flink 1.16 and 1.17.
>>>>> By stating this, it is obvious that the connector is already outdated for 
>>>>> quite a while. There
>>>>> is a long-lasting ticket [1] to release a newer HBase version, which also 
>>>>> contains a major version
>>>>> bump as HBase 1.x support is removed, but covering JDK17 with the current 
>>>>> Hadoop related
>>>>> dependency mix is impossible, because there are parts that do not play 
>>>>> well with it when you
>>>>> try to compile with JDK17+, and there are no runtime tests as well.
>>>>> Solving that properly will require to bump the HBase, Hadoop, and 
>>>>> Zookeeper versions as well,
>>>>> but that will require more digging and some refactoring, at least on the 
>>>>> test side.
>>>>> To cut some corners and move forward I think at this point it would make 
>>>>> sense to release
>>>>> version 4.0 that supports Flink 1.18 and 1.19 but only on top of JDK8 and 
>>>>> JDK11 just to close the
>>>>> current gap a bit. I am thinking about including the limitations in the 
>>>>> java compat docs [2] to
>>>>> highlight users.
>>>>> WDYT?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Ferenc
>>>>> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-35136
>>>>> [2] 
>>>>> https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.19/docs/deployment/java_compatibility/

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