I am currently working on the Iceberg CDC Pipeline Connector, and support for it would be ideal, as the Iceberg Flink Connector already supports SinkV2. There's no reason why we shouldn't support it as well. So I'm +1
Yanquan Lv <decq12y...@gmail.com> 于2024年10月17日周四 09:55写道: > Dear Flink devs, I would like to initiate a discussion about upgrading > the bump version of FlinkCDC to Flink 1.19. > FlinkCDC's version was bumped to Flink 1.18 in November 2023[1], Almost a > year has passed, during which Flink released two major versions, 1.19/1.20, > and 1.20 is a LTS version. Therefore, I think it's time to bump the version > to 1.19. > Bump the version to 1.19 has the following benefits: > 1) FLIP-371[2] and FLIP-372[3] introduced some new Sink APIs and modified > the signatures of some classes in Flink 1.19. Bump to 1.19 allows us to > directly reference these new interfaces to expand the downstream ecosystem. > For example, Iceberg recently implemented Flink Sink using these new > APIs[4], and we can start expanding Iceberg as the sink for the CDC > Pipeline. > 2) We can leverage some changes introduced by this jira[5] to proactively > trigger a checkpoint upon receiving schema changes, thereby we can reduce > the complexity of supporting table structure evolution and achieve > end-to-end exactly once. > I would like to know if there are some needs to delay bumping this version > from the community, otherwise we could add the bump version plan to > FlinkCDC 3.3. > > [1] https://github.com/apache/flink-cdc/pull/2463 > [2] > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-371%3A+Provide+initialization+context+for+Committer+creation+in+TwoPhaseCommittingSink > [3] > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-372%3A+Enhance+and+synchronize+Sink+API+to+match+the+Source+API > [4] https://github.com/apache/iceberg/pull/10179 > [5] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-32514 > Sorry for resend again due to some issues with the email server. -- Best ConradJam